Documentary on Salvador Allende’s last speech presented in Valparaíso – G5noticias

Documentary on Salvador Allende’s last speech presented in Valparaíso – G5noticias
Documentary on Salvador Allende’s last speech presented in Valparaíso – G5noticias

This is the film Con los Ojos de Hoy, which updates the speech by the Popular Unity leader given moments before the bombing of the La Moneda palace on the morning of September 11, 1973. This audiovisual work will be presented on Friday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the municipal theater of Valparaíso. Your entry is free.

Allende’s oratory piece is part of the audiovisual production directed by Víctor Gómez L.

as a common thread, which updates the last speech of the former president through various views of today's Chile within the framework of the 50 years of the coup d'état commemorated in September 2023. The voice of the president falls on the interpretation of the actress national, Ingrid Isensee.

The documentary reviews current social, cultural and political events interspersed – in the form of a script – with Allende’s speech through testimonies, among them, that of a Sename survivor, a sexual diversity activist, a Cabildo peasant affected by the lack of water, an environmental leader from the Quintero-Punchuncaví sacrifice zone, a Haitian migrant, a retired teacher and a young victim of the loss of her eye during the social outbreak.

The 85-minute production has a soundtrack created by musicians Benjamín Griffiths and Jaime Atenas (saxophonist of the Congreso group). His image recording was made during a year in digital cinema (6K format) and shot in locations in Santiago, Temuco, Arauco, Cañete, Tarapacá, San Antonio, Valparaíso, Quinteros and Petorca.

The documentary was directed by Porfiados Hechos Producciones, Apolo Film and Chilko, and is a self-financed production without public resources, as part of the independent cinema made in Chile.

Last March it was part of the official selection of the Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival 2024 and is currently applying for other national and foreign competitions.

Social Networks: @conlosojosdehoy website:

Data sheet:

Title: With Today’s Eyes. Direction: Víctor Gómez L. Script: Patricia Rivera, Víctor Gómez L. Editing: Francisca Silva, Javiera Garcés. Camera and photography: Luis Portocarrero. Music: Benjamín Griffits, Jaime Atenas. Audio post: Erika Donoso. Stories: Ingrid Isensee, Violeta Gómez. Graphic design: Marcos Lorca. Genre: Documentary. Duration: 85 minutes. Country Chile. Production companies: Perfiados Factos Producciones, Apolo Film and Chilko. Year: 2023.

*Víctor Gómez L. is a journalist, academic at the University of Chile, and has extensive experience in the media. He is an expert advisor in strategic communications in public and private organizations. He directed the documentaries: “Miguel: the humanity of a myth” (2004) and “Sabor a Victoria” (2007).

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