In Huila, victims have received $42,245 million in compensation

Institutions invite victims of the armed conflict not to be fooled by unscrupulous people who pretend to be ‘lawyers’ to keep part of the compensation money. The procedures are completely free, you just have to go to the corresponding entities and they will provide you with advice there.

One of the aspects for the beneficiaries, who have received compensation, to take into account is to invest that money in a business that allows them to get out of the difficult condition in which they find themselves. There are state institutions, where they advise them, so that they can perfect their business idea.

Victims received compensation

Regarding the event held in Neiva, Lesdy Marlody Rodríguez, territorial director of the Victims Unit in Caquetá, Huila and Putumayo, said: “today we are closing with the delivery of 385 letters for a value close to $3,567 million, which correspond to letters from people located in the municipalities of Neiva, Pitalito Garzón, La Plata and Gigante.”

Likewise, the official added, when we deliver the compensation measure, in a certain way, humanitarian aid is no longer continued to be received, since it is delivered to a population in a vulnerable situation.

“What the compensation measure seeks is to invest this economic resource well and overcome unworthy acts,” highlighted the director.

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Invest the conversation well!

And according to Resolution 1049, there are three population groups that the National Government is giving priority to and among them are: “we are already breaking records in terms of compensation and we give importance to people aged 68 or older.” , who is in a situation of disability and with painful, noisy or catastrophic illnesses. We call this strategy ‘Priority Route,’” the directive indicated.

And people who do not have these aspects are on the ‘General Route’ and must wait for the administrative measure.

And when asked about advice to victims so that they invest the money well, the director expressed. “We have a process called adequate investment of the resource and from space what we do is provide tools so that people invest money appropriately.”

Officials from Colpensiones, Sena, real estate officials among other entities that advise victims on money management arrived at the event.

One of the victims told his personal experience that he managed to structure a company with seed capital, and today he has 60 employees.

The amounts are not the same

Regarding how much money they give to the victims, for security reasons they did not reveal the amounts, “it obeys different criteria, the victimizing events, the number of members who are recognized in a family nucleus, and remember that the administrative measure is individual, that is, there is an integrated amount and it is divided among all the members.”

And on the day carried out, they delivered the ‘letters’ according to the prioritization criteria, which range up to 40 current legal minimum wages.

Likewise, Lesdy Marlody Rodríguez added that they also have agreements with universities for victims who wish to access these benefits.

Next delivery

The director indicated that in the month of June, they will make a large delivery of this type of documents to the population who are victims of the armed conflict in Neiva.

“We still cannot reveal the figures that we are going to have, but we surely invite all the media to accompany us in these massive deliveries and the call to the population to take extreme security measures, because we are going to be making deliveries very significant and this will coincide with the ‘Fiestas Sampedrinas’, and here we have to do a very strong job to urge them to invest the resources well,” the official stressed.

The executive added that they have had numerous complaints of fraud, we have found, processors, unscrupulous people, apparently provide their ‘services’ and they only hope to access high percentages of the compensation and the procedures have no cost. “The invitation is to report cases, where they are asking you for money to carry out any procedure.”

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Anti-fraud campaign

Marlody Rodríguez invited the media to help publicize the anti-fraud campaign they launched from the entity, because they have had complaints from those affected in this regard.

“For the department of Huila, between 2023 and 2024, we have already closed with a figure of more or less 3,939 people compensated, for a total of 42,245 million delivered, as I told you, it is a historic figure,” he stressed. the official

Those affected by the wake of conflict can reach the Guillermo Plazas neighborhood in Neiva, in the Álamos neighborhood, Pitalito, Garzón, Paseo del Rosario shopping center and the San Rafael neighborhood, municipality of La Plata, where they receive free advice.

The victims

And the Diario del Huila spoke with the victims, who were grateful, others on the verge of tears, remembered the unworthy acts, which like scars, they carry in their memory and soul.

Those interviewed requested that their names be omitted for security reasons. “No money can compensate for all the problems of the war that has been going on for 60 years and we have had to live through. And this is unacceptable in a country as rich and beautiful as ours and there is only money for war and education, people with limited resources do not have access.”

It has been 30 years for the victim to be compensated in this way for the pain and suffering that he had to experience at the time by the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), being displaced from the Caribbean Coast in 1997. He has been in Bogotá , then arrived at the capital Opita, where he hopes to enjoy complete tranquility.

Others affected were already older adults, he said. “In 2010 I declared myself a victim in Bogotá and they did not accept me. I had two trips, one from the town of Vegalarga and the other from… Meta (with tears in his eyes and with effort he expressed), that is the one I am claiming, events that occurred in 2012 and yes, the ‘little help’ has arrived.”

“I live in a maloka, as the indigenous people say, and with the money they gave me I am going to build a room, and survive with it. I also have a missing brother. I have already done several processes and nothing, call Putumayo. They have taken DNA tests from me and they tell me that they have not found him, he went to work in that area and he never returned,” the woman portrayed with a nostalgic face.

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Victimizing facts

“As for the situations that most harm the 220,000 victims, they are: precisely forced displacement, homicide and disappearance, with a percentage of 55%, it means that more than 100 thousand inhabitants are affected,” indicated Lesdy Marlody Rodríguez, territorial director. of the Victims Unit in Caquetá and Huila.

Without ignoring that Neiva is a municipality that receives people displaced by violence, since victims from the town center El Pato, La Plata, Íquira and Garzón were treated.

“The National Government is demonstrating that it has reached people and places where it had not been done, and we hope to reform Law 1448, which among other things seeks to generate larger funds, to be able to reach the population with greater compensation. “added the director.

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