Argentina: present and future in doubt

Argentina: present and future in doubt
Argentina: present and future in doubt

The night at Luna Park did not seem to be a musical show, nor the presentation of a book, nor did there seem to be a president (Photo: Franco Fafasuli)

Perhaps because this present is overwhelming, this chronicler needs to go to meet the future (not too distant) through a question. Even more so after Wednesday night at Luna Park, which did not seem to be a musical show, nor the presentation of a book, where there was not a full stadium and where There didn’t seem to be a President.. Where the protagonist, among other things, alluded to Rome and not Athens (he always prefers to thin out, ignore democracy).

One day, Milei’s presidency will end (December 10, 2027). The question is: Which Argentina will the President leave? Economically, socially, conceptually. That is, regarding identity, the notion of country, of nation.

Graciela Camano tells to Infobae: “Milei is a byproduct that affects the product, because it is to blame.”

Furthermore, he questions how Peronism allowed Cristina Kirchner to go so far: “After being in the dock, they voted for her”.

Argentina comes from two terminal economic crises: 1989/1990 and 2001/2002to which must be attached three last resounding economic failures, those of Cristina Kirchner, Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández. In reality it was not enough, and that’s how Milei emerged, riding on a society that had already changed. Society that changed due to the failure of the traditional political leaders just described, in the hands of both the Kirchnerist coalition and Cambiemos. Surely, the question asked has no answer today. Because it depends on what this society, which is alive and mobilized, decides. Society that used Milei as a messenger for those who must take responsibility for their failures.

Another question arises here: will this society, if traditional politics understands this and reforms itself, be interested in the result it offers? What will be the new social consciousness of a society that had been bleeding and accepted a change of era?

Meanwhile, someone very close to the President tells Infobae: “Javier is an economic obsessive, he has everything planned. He is very happy with how everything is going. The rebound will be in ‘V’ and has calculated when it will happen: it will be this year. The President knew that we were going to have recession and unemployment, but he is confident that both will recover faster than expected, with access to credit and other measures that will have a positive impact in the second semester. He believes that the stocks will also be lifted before the end of the year.”

My interlocutor says that Milei told him: “I didn’t need the Bases Law or the fiscal package to get here, but if they approve it, everything will be faster”. Regarding them and the modifications that are being introduced in the Senate, the source consulted maintains that, except for the issue of profits – Casa Rosada has not yet established a position -, the others would be approved in the Deputies. And he assures this reporter that the President will not veto them. Yes, the FONID, if it is restored, or another modification that affects public accounts.

Regarding the political structure, he maintains that the President is not interested. That is why Karina faces it, and they will analyze strategies by district. The ALL feels very strong today and they believe that the PRO melts like ice cream in the sun. They think radicalism is an enigma. Of course my interlocutor, with great sincerity, recognizes that this is so, yes and only if, by February inflation can be controlled, the economy can be reactivated and employment will increase.

One more fact. When President Macri allied himself with the UCR, he sterilized radicalism but at the same time this prevented the former President from developing his pure ideological profile. Today, in this political mess, the LLA could dismantle the PRO and also absorb part of a sector of radicalism. But it could also happen that both excluded sectors generate a new alliance, even with non-Kirchnerist Peronism.

Hard reality fact: if you triple the increase in rates (electricity, gas and transport)Will Misiones not replicate in other geographies? Does what is happening there predict an action? Can it be contagious?

The governors have been threatening to seal different pacts. The mayors are the most concerned, because reality knocks on their door without intermediaries. Rosario already launched the “Empty Pots March” yesterday, parading in front of the municipality, with signs that said: “In the city that exports 80% of the food to the world, there is a lack of bread and meat”; “With $40,000 a month we must give 200 portions a day,” “Hunger doesn’t wait.”

The national government has applied a brutal adjustment of 89.5% in non-automatic transfers from nation to province. And in automatic ones, 19.5%. Misiones is not settled by force, but by dialogue.

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