ICBF has job vacancies for lawyers, psychologists and others, how to apply?

ICBF has job vacancies for lawyers, psychologists and others, how to apply?
ICBF has job vacancies for lawyers, psychologists and others, how to apply?

He Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) invited citizens to register for its resume bank, in order to fill various positions.

“It doesn’t matter what part of the country you are in, or whether or not you have professional experience,” he said in a social media message. The objective is for all of them to contribute to the entity’s tasks related to the well-being and protection of children and adolescents.

ICBF employment call

The ICBF is looking for people with the following professions:

  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Lawyers
  • Nutritionists
  • Artists.

ICBF calls.


How to apply to the ICBF resume bank?

  • Enter this link https://bancohojasdevida.icbf.gov.co/BHV
  • Click on the ‘Register’ button to create an account in the system.

Admission to the ICBF Resume Bank.


  • Fill out the registration form with information such as your identification document number and email address.
  • Create a password for your account.
  • Accept the processing of personal data.

ICBF Resume Bank.


  • Access the platform with the username and password you created.
  • Fill out the information in the form that will appear, such as full name, cell phone number, residential address, type of studies, description of your professional profile, work experienceamong others.
  • Accept the terms and conditions of the platform.
  • Click the ‘Save’ button to upload the information to the system.

The entity will analyze your profile and contact you depending on whether or not you meet the characteristics of the resumes you are looking for.

Headquarters of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, ICBF.


On past occasions, some problems have been reported to access the ICBF Resume Bank platform. “As there are many people registering at the same time, that could collapse the link again,” the entity noted at the end of 2023.

Thus, he remembered that the page is permanently active, so the application can be made at any time.



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