The councilors who granted extraordinary powers to the mayor of Neiva • La Nación

The councilors who granted extraordinary powers to the mayor of Neiva • La Nación
The councilors who granted extraordinary powers to the mayor of Neiva • La Nación

It was sung. The mayor of Neiva, German Casagua managed to win the first fight with the Neiva Council. By majority, the corporation gave up its powers to modify the structure of the administration and now the mayor has free rein to eliminate or create positions in the Mayor’s Office.



Like former mayor Gorky Muñoz, president German Casagua managed to avoid control in the Neiva Council to directly create or eliminate some dependencies in the administrative structure of the Mayor’s Office, such as secretaries, directorates and advisors.

Yesterday the second and last debate took place in plenary on the draft agreement through which he intended to be granted extraordinary pro tempore powers to advance the modernization of the central administration of the municipality.

It got seven votes in favor and only four lobbyists were against. Cristhian Bautista, Juan Sebastián Camacho, Miller Osorio Montenegro, Juan Carlos Parada, Sebastián Prieto, Felix Felipe Trujillo and Ramiro Vidal voted positively.

While Juan Diego Amaya, Héctor Javier Osorio, Humberto Perdomo and Lourdes Paola Mateus opposed it, as LA NACIÓN had already anticipated.

It should be remembered that the power to modify the structure of the municipal administration corresponds to the Municipal Councils, or to the Mayor endowed with extraordinary powers, which is why the president, like his predecessors, made use of that option and requested extraordinary powers for the term of office. six months to skip the corporation and carry out these changes directly.

President Juan Diego Amaya opposed it mainly “because it is a faculty and I have always stated that I do not agree with the faculties,” furthermore, there are no studies where what will really be done is appreciated. “We would be happy to provide the corporation with the study showing the reduction in operating costs and my vote would have been positive in that case. It is a draft legal agreement, it is a political decision of each of the councilors, just as it was a political decision of the administration to present powers and not the study, and it was a political decision of mine to vote negative on the request for powers, not I am against the reduction of operating costs, but I am against the granting of powers.”

Only 11 councilors in session

Of the 19 councilors elected for the period 2024 – 2027, 16 attended the session, since two are suspended and one more was absent. However, five others declared themselves unable to attend, so the quorum was reduced to only 11 lobbyists.

Yamid Sanabria Triana (Neiva en Acción government coalition), Casagua’s faithful squire, and Abel Mendoza Vasquez (Asi) continue to be provisionally suspended from office within the framework of an annulment process against their elections as councilors.

Camilo Perdomo Arenas (Green Alliance party) did not attend the session.

Alejandro Serna Serna (Liberal), Dagoberto Gómez Méndez (government coalition, Neiva en Acción), Jesús Andrés Garzón Roa (All We Are Colombia party), Roberto Escobar (De La U.) and Johan Steed Ortíz (Democratic Center) presented a request for declare themselves prevented from voting on the study project due to being immersed in a conflict of interest.

The reasons for all the cases were one: relatives of the lobbyists are working for the municipal administration of German Casagua.

Mayor German Casagua attended the debate and stressed that his intention is to reduce the administration and that this is one of the main differences with his predecessor, Gorky Muñoz. “I think I have been very clear with respect to the position and vision we have.” He maintained that he has left positions unnamed and that he is saving about $7 billion a year.

“We are not going to modify or eliminate positions of people in the career or official positions, that is written in this municipal agreement, I do not see any problem.” But, that was not written down or included in the draft agreement.

The draft agreement was approved by the Mayor and has two articles.

The Private Secretariat, Subdirectorate of Roads, Materials Bank, Popular University and Management Plan Directorate would be some of those that would be eliminated according to what was announced yesterday.

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