The Día Obarrio hospital commemorated World Schizophrenia Day

The Día Obarrio hospital commemorated World Schizophrenia Day
The Día Obarrio hospital commemorated World Schizophrenia Day

May 24 is an anniversary that has the purpose of disseminating information about this condition, as well as eradicating myths and superstitions around this and other mental health diseases.

About, Harold Adaddeputy director of the Obarrio hospital, explained that schizophrenia is a pathology in which the person suffers from an alteration in their way of thinking and behaving, which in turn brings with it a social stigma that results in the exclusion of the person by of the society.

“On this commemorative day we can make this disease visible and emphasize adequate, timely treatment and precise support to obtain a better quality of life. It is also about raising awareness in society to make it more inclusive and understanding. The Obarrio Day hospital has a good rehabilitation team that works both in the Obarrio hospital and in the day hospital,” he highlighted.

Referring to the evolution of a patient with schizophrenia, the deputy director explained that it depends on the moment in which it occurs, if it is through an outbreak, hallucinations, treatment is given in the acute phase, but it depends a lot on the evolution of each person. . Once adaptation is achieved, the patient is discharged and transferred to day hospital care.

For her part, the attorney Adriana Casanova, head of the Day Hospital service at Obarrio Hospital, commented: “This is an intensive and comprehensive service for the treatment of serious mental health pathologies such as schizophrenia, in this case the idea is to make a social problem visible. . Our hospital has the tools for an approach that is not only psychopathological; sometimes hospitalization is the first intervention and this involves psychopathological, medication and psychological work so that the person who suffers from decompensation can return to being mentally organized.”

Following this line, the professional emphasized that this pathology affects the area of ​​social relationships and it is not easy for the patient to insert himself socially since it affects the bond with the other. “The optimal thing is for them to resume contact with people and social groups and the work of the Day Hospital is to resume that line. For this we carry out an intensive treatment where the patient must attend from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; During those working hours, an interdisciplinary team intervenes that includes occupational therapists, teachers, educational psychologists, theater, music and arts teachers,” she explained.

Currently, the provider cares for fifteen patients and their admission requires a referral in order to be evaluated and integrated into the work group. “For today’s commemoration, the boys have worked hard involving the May 25th festivity, which is why we had a party, we distributed chocolates and together with the theater teacher they performed a characterization of the time.”

Julius Caesar, he said that he has been attending the institution for eight years and on the occasion he wrote a poem about schizophrenia. “I did it at a time when I was very depressed by the illness and it was a way to express myself. Writing also helps me to talk and discuss my problems with my psychologist. In this way I can express my feelings or concerns and then share them with my psychologist. As time went by, I went deeper and began to write more emotions until I started making songs.”

Paula, has been going to the Day Hospital for 6 years and said that theater, music therapy, and occupational therapy have helped her a lot. “Today we did a representation for May 25 and we acted as patriots and gauchos. In this place I have managed to make many friends, they accompany me in this treatment and that is a very good thing.”

finely, John the baptist, who has been carrying out the treatments for six years, commented: “The treatment with the professionals is excellent, I feel very content here, perhaps more than at home since there they do not fully understand what is happening to me, but here the professionals know how to take care of me.” . I learned to do many things, to be self-employed, now I play in a rock band. It is for all this that I recommend that anyone who needs it undergo treatment to face this difficult disease that affects one and everyone around you,” he concluded.

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