Interesting KM0 gastronomic proposal to enjoy on May 25

Interesting KM0 gastronomic proposal to enjoy on May 25
Interesting KM0 gastronomic proposal to enjoy on May 25

Visitors who come to Salta live an unparalleled experience, with a High Destination experience: museums, natural beauties, the hospitality of its people and gastronomy.

The provincial government works tirelessly to consolidate the tourist positioning of Salta; Thus, the provincial Restaurants KM0 program brings together Salta gastronomic establishments with the aim of responding to the growing demand of tourists to savor the gastronomy of the destination they visit.

Within this framework, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Salta and the SlowFood Argentina Network of Organizations work together with social actors to revalue local and local production, and favor the experience for the visitor.

In Salta, restaurants and producers participate and carry out various actions so that visitors can savor the flavors of Salta, providing innovation and creativity, such as 4 Salames, which offers cantimpalos with dehydrated tomato, smoked paprika, among other delicacies.

Likewise, they generate attractive proposals; For May 25, some places such as the Hostería el Portal de los Valles; On the other hand, Sabores Nobles de El Carril will offer free mazamorra and anchi for diners; Meanwhile, Café bike in Cafayate has an interesting proposal that includes cuisine and pairing with wines from Cooperativa Trasoles; Julia’s thing in La Viña proposes pulsed locro.

Meanwhile, Casa Díaz de Seclantás offers a patriotic menu with the traditional locro pulsudo; At the Estancia de El Carril, clients will be able to enjoy mazamorra free of charge in an atmosphere especially decorated for the national day. Likewise, numerous proposals are prepared for June 16, Father’s Day.

The participating restaurants offer unique gastronomic experiences, such as the Doña Lía pizzeria offering promotions on mote burgers; Meanwhile, Casa Chicoana, Flavor Warehouse and Restaurant, chosen by Cervecería Imperial to represent Salta gastronomy in a project to make Salta gastronomic points visible –

On the other hand, slowfood restaurants carry out various actions, Viracocha de Cachi, Los Cebiles de Salta Capital and Uncú de La Caldera, were part of the World Legumes Day, which had the participation of different countries and the International Chefs Alliance .

On the other hand, Uncú collaborated with the Alimentemos la Paz Community, a Latin American community that is presented in September and whose 2024 theme is flowers in gastronomy. Specific training will also be given.

In addition, this year, a sustainability mentorship will be held for gastronomics, which will address, among other topics, conceptual tools, nutritional and communication techniques in relation to KM0 cuisine; Likewise, matters related to cooking and sustainability, seasonality and circular economy will be addressed.

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