Unmissable destinations to celebrate the festivities of San Pedro and San Juan in 2024

Unmissable destinations to celebrate the festivities of San Pedro and San Juan in 2024
Unmissable destinations to celebrate the festivities of San Pedro and San Juan in 2024

The festivals of San Juan and San Pedro in Colombia They are an exaltation of the local culture in the regions of Tolima and Huila. These festivities, which are celebrated at end of June and beginning of Julycombine religious elements and unique traditions.

Furthermore, they have been declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 2006 due to its historical and cultural relevance. The musical tradition is a memory of the Tolima composer Blanca Álvarez, who expressed: “San Juan started the festival, San Pedro continued it, Long live San Pedro! Long live San Juan! Long live the traditional festival!

Origin and tradition of the festivities of San Pedro and San Juan

The origin dates back to the Spanish Christian traditions, honoring Saint John the Baptist, the saint of the summer solstice.

These festivities, which reflect European pagan practices, are intertwined with pre-Columbian indigenous rituals and mark unique Colombian traditions in several departments of Colombia.

Furthermore, music is a central pillar, with the bambuco and the sanjuaneroreflecting the poetry of love and festive joy of these traditions that have Christianized ancient solstitial customs.

Festivities of San Juan and San Pedro and national reign of Bambuco, Neiva

In the department of Huila, especially in Neiva, these traditional festivals reflect the art and identity of the region. Likewise, they attract numerous tourists who travel during these dates to discover the cultural and gastronomic diversity that characterizes this part of the country.

Parades and cultural activities:

  • During the holidays, you can see numerous parades in the city’s neighborhoods in imposing and colorful decorative floats.
  • The most recognized parades are the traditional welcome parade, the Great National Folk Parade, and the Aquatic Parade.

The Bambuco:

  • Bambuco is a musical genre and a traditional dance Colombian peasant which originated in the time of conquest and colony. The songs are performed as a duet of voices and are accompanied by string instruments such as the bandola, the guitar and the tiple.
  • The dance is a representation of courtship between the man and the woman, who wear elaborate and striking dresses for their execution.

Craft and gastronomic fairs:

Festivities of San Juan and San Pedro in Espinal, Tolima:

In the municipalities of Tolima, Colombia, the San Pedro and San Juan Festivals are a celebration of great cultural importance that combines religious and native traditions. Here I tell you how it is celebrated in some regions:


  • In the capital of Tolima, Ibagué, the Colombian Folk Festival during San Juan. This festival is an important stage for the presentation of dance and music from the area.
  • The parades, parades and artistic presentations They fill the streets with color and joy, highlighting the cultural and folkloric wealth of the region.

The Espinal:

  • In Espinal, the festivities include municipal and departmental parades, reigns, booths, corralejasdances, musical shows and stage performances.
  • In addition, traditional music such as bambuco and sanjuanero accompany the celebration with various dances in the parades.

Ataco, Guamo, Natagaima and Melgar:

  • Other municipalities such as Ataco, Guamo, Natagaima and Melgar also celebrate these festivities, each exposing their culture and traditions during San Pedro. The parades, the comparsas and the folklore competitions They are part of these celebrations, where the community is actively involved.

Gastronomy and tradition:

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