Gestures and coded messages: Milei went to La Rural, made a promise to the countryside and applied the protocol to Nicolás Posse

Gestures and coded messages: Milei went to La Rural, made a promise to the countryside and applied the protocol to Nicolás Posse
Gestures and coded messages: Milei went to La Rural, made a promise to the countryside and applied the protocol to Nicolás Posse

President Milei went to La Rural to an exhibition of Angus bulls (photos Nicolás Stulberg)

It may have seemed eccentric, but the presence of Javier Milei at an exhibition of Angus bulls was not an eccentricity and even less an exception. In 2021 and with the same producer who is today president of the Rural Society, Nicolás Pino, they shared an event similar to the one that occurred on Friday afternoon at the fairgrounds in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo. Those were times when the economist professed a libertarian creed that few believed would be effective in reaching the Casa Rosada.

From that time, years ago, the link with Pino dates back, one of the business leaders with whom the president cultivates a friendship and who was present on Wednesday in Luna Park, at the presentation of the book “Capitalism, socialism and the trap neoclassical”, which included a show with Milei as vocalist of a band ad hoc who played the libertarian icon song “Panic Show”, by the rock group La Renga. “Hello everyone, I am the lion!” He pronounced on the stage of the “boxing temple.”

Two days later, the libertarian leader again encountered immense beasts weighing more than a thousand kilos in the Indoor Track of the Autumn Angus Expo. He was received, as in the old 2021 meeting, by Alfonso Bustillo, president of the Argentine Angus Association, and Pino. And here the first of several encrypted messages begin to appear. Milei arrived only accompanied by his sister Karina, the Secretary General of the Presidency. Fernando Vilella, the Secretary of Bioeconomy and presumed responsible for the Government’s public policies regarding the agricultural sector, was conspicuous by his absence.

Milei spoke with Nicolás Pino at the Angus exhibition (on the right of the photo)

Milei went to meet Pino, Bustillo and Sebastián Rodríguez Larreta – a relative of Horacio, a failed presidential candidate and one of the most bitter enemies of the libertarian leader – after an invitation made to him by the head of the Rural Society, with whom he had a few days ago. lunch to confirm the invitation to participate, along with the Uruguayan Luis Lacalle Pou and the Paraguayan Santiago Peña, in the formal opening of the annual exhibition. This year and for the first time there will be three presidents at the opening, which will also be held in an unusual way, on a Sunday.

The president went with one objective: to give a clear and forceful message of support for the agricultural sector. In times of exchange turbulence, when dollar prices shake off their lethargy and jump, Milei went to make them a promise. “My presence and my visit to La Rural is a clear sign of support for this sector, which is so important in Argentine history and for the future of the country. At the same time, I want you to keep in mind that, just as we have worked in the exchange market to end the gap, which at some point may have some oscillation, like what is happening now, we are working hard to eliminate the stocks,” he claimed.

“When we finish deactivating all the bombs that the Kirchnerists left us, there will be a free exchange rate. And obviously, as the fiscal accounts begin to be recomposed and economic growth returns, first we are going to eliminate the COUNTRY Tax and then the withholdings will follow, so that the field is totally free,” he stated.

The “old” photo the day she awarded another bull at the invitation of Nicolás Pino

Milei’s statement occurred at a time when the countryside, Argentina’s main source of foreign currency along with the Energy sector, would not be liquidating at the expected rate. This phenomenon, together with a possible exchange rate delay and an abrupt drop in the interest rate, was the landscape that was behind the jump in quotes, mainly, the free or misnamed “blue”, which once again located the gap by above 30%.

It is a promise and at the same time a gesture that the president made to a sector that he identifies as one of the partners to accelerate a recovery in the activity essential to resuming a path of growth in the short term.

Milei, about the presence of Posse in Córdoba: “We have to see if it is within the logic of the protocol” Credit: Radio Miter

But the most significant political fact of the raid on the Palermo fairgrounds was his response when asked whether the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, will be in Córdoba or not, where the event is scheduled to take place after the pact that it was not. May 25, which was dreamed of as a refounding date not only for the Government, but for Argentine history itself, will have an aesthetic more or less similar to that of any other administration.

There will be Tedeum, there will be a mini event at La Docta that will serve as an “Open Town Hall”. A Miter radio reporter asked Milei, who was walking around the track greeting everyone who wanted to shake his hand, if Posse would go and his response surprised the politician: “We have to see if it is within the logic of the protocol.” ”.

Posse has been subjected for weeks to a wave of resignation reports, dismissals and relocations to peaceful diplomatic destinations. Consolation prize for the man who accumulated power, functions, budget and Milei’s blind trust in all things administration and the State. It has been long days since we have spoken with the president and his absence in Córdoba would be confirmation of the cycle completed.

Just as Patricia Bullrich has an anti-picket protocol for those who block traffic, and other protocols to provide security to the head of state, the President himself seemed to apply another protocol to someone who is his dear friend, but the man who has been bringing him – as far as he could know Infobae- the worst disappointments regarding the progress of the government.

Beyond everything, the unique thing about Friday afternoon was that Javier Milei presented the Black Male Grand Champion award to Box 541 of Cabaña Moromar, while Karina Milei did the same with the Reserve Black Male Grand Champion, Box 476, of Arandu Cabin. In the stands, as he could see Infobae In the place, there were all cheers, applause and requests for greetings.

Postcards of Milei’s activity in La Rural (Nicolás Stulberg)

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