Double militancy would collapse the election of deputy Rafael Emilio Noya García


In the first instance ruling, the judges: Adonay Ferrari Padilla, Maribel Mendoza Jiménez and María Victoria Quiñones Triana; They annul the election of deputy Rafael Emilio Noya García.

In a ruling of high political and legal significance, the Magdalena Administrative Court has declared the nullity of the administrative act that resulted in the election of Rafael Emilio Noya García as deputy of the Magdalena Assembly for the period 2024-2027. This decision, which has shaken the regional political landscape, responds to the lawsuit filed by Hernando Zabaleta Echeverry, who managed to demonstrate that Noya García incurred double militancy, a serious offense within the framework of Colombian electoral law.

The Political Constitution of Colombia, in its article 107, and Law 1475 of July 14, 2011, are clear in establishing that citizens cannot simultaneously belong to more than one political party or movement. These provisions seek to preserve transparency and coherence in political representation, preventing candidates from unduly benefiting from multiple party affiliations.

In case of Rafael Emilio Noya García is emblematic of the persistent challenges in implementing these regulations. His election as deputy was initially seen as a significant victory for his party; However, the allegations of double militancy presented by Zabaleta Echeverry cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of his victory.

The lawsuit and the judicial process

Hernando Zabaleta Echeverry, the plaintiff, based his case on compelling evidence showing that Rafael Emilio Noya García had maintained simultaneous affiliations with two political parties. This type of infraction, clearly typified in the second paragraph of article 2 of Law 1475, constitutes a direct violation of the rules of organization and operation of political parties and movements, as well as electoral processes.

The judicial process that followed was meticulous and exhaustive. The magistrates of the Magdalena Administrative Court: Adonay Ferrari Padilla, Maribel Mendoza Jiménez and María Victoria Quiñones Triana analyzed in detail the documentation presented, witness statements and party affiliation records. The evidence collected left little doubt about the dual militancy of Rafael Emilio Noya García, leading them to conclude that his election should be annulled.

Reactions and consequences

The ruling has caused a wave of reactions in various sectors. Defenders of Rafael Emilio Noya García have argued that the decision is a political coup orchestrated by his adversaries, while his critics have maintained that the annulment is a victory for democracy and legality.

Political analysts have noted that this case underscores the importance of integrity in electoral processes and the need for effective mechanisms to monitor and sanction irregularities. Furthermore, it raises questions about the effectiveness of political parties in managing their memberships and controlling the loyalty of their members.

Implications for Noya’s political future

The annulment of Noya García’s election not only affects his political career, but also has broader implications for the political scene of Magdalena. The political organization Fuerza Ciudadana loses a high-value token and the Departmental Assembly must receive a new deputy who could reconfigure the coalition of Governor Rafael Alejandro Martínez.

Furthermore, this ruling can serve as a warning to other politicians in the region and in the country, highlighting the need to strictly adhere to partisan and electoral regulations. Transparency and integrity in politics are not just abstract ideals, but fundamental requirements for public trust and democratic functioning.

SEE: Rafael Martínez vs. Ángela Cedeño: they fight a duel of titans in the politics of Magdalena

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