Memories that inhabit and excite

Memories that inhabit and excite
Memories that inhabit and excite

Nico González Goytía and Anahí Leranoz present “Achachila” at Casa Dumit, a performance proposal that brings together music and theater.

Compañía Poca Vergüenza is the name they gave to their group Nico González Goytía and Anahi Leranoz, and those words bring together the idea of ​​walking together along the paths of art and venturing on different paths without prejudices or fears that limit them. The result of this search is “Achachila, ancient memories inhabit us”, the theater and live music show that brings together melodies of various styles and scenic interventions contained in the performative language of masks, puppets, butoh dance and objects. which will be presented at 9 p.m. at Casa Dumit (Italia 536).

“We live in a rural context of native forest, at the foot of the large mountains of Córdoba – describes González Goytía -. Inhabiting this space shapes our actions and our art. Achachila is an Aymara word that means grandfather and those people consider the snow-capped peaks to be their ancestors; They have a deep conviction of being part of a world system and they refer to the Achachilas as the teachers of their community, protectors and wise men. Taking this concept, we understood that our achachilas were the mountains that we traveled. We learned to listen to him and take his teaching of balance and survival, beyond the disasters he suffers.”

Leranoz highlights that “memory determines us, it makes us what we are in the present; There is the collective, the family and in our presentation we invite you to remember an intimate space of great power for good living, good human and social practices and to artistically create a kinder world. “The non-recognition of those memories is something that unbalances us, the denial of origin is always a desolate and brutal place. When we understand what shaped us we can be in harmony. If we remember when we were a mineral or a bird, we evoke that which is asleep. When we go to a space like San Javier Hill, an indescribable feeling of well-being and renewal surrounds us; since our link with nature itself is ‘activated’,” he says.

In the scenic display, a kind of ritual ceremony is recreated that takes place in a dreamlike context: “it is very palpable when walking through it, there are masks with changing costumes, polymorphic puppets, transformed objects, music and songs by the hand of a demiurge or creative magician who lives in that sacred place for the arts that is the stage,” Anahí contributes.

“The dialogue between music and theater is very organic since the images we show were based on sounds and there are scenes that gave birth to music that did not exist. They have a time and rhythm typical of our northern land, and they alternate with jazz swing. Folklore and jazz are fusions that are always present in our way of making art; They have inhabited me since I was a child, I cannot separate myself from their Tucumán roots,” says the bassist.

The actress starts from the clown to advance the resignification of puppets and objects as beings to which “a soul is given, they are made to live and they gain strength and power, with a plastic and imagery relationship with each element that is presented on stage.” . “In aesthetic terms we define it as a spectacle of the ‘margins’, which gives us a lot of freedom. with our teacher Ernesto Mussano We created this proposal, thanks to a grant from the National Fund for the Arts, and we will premiere it in December 2023,” he says.

The experience in performances allows them to affirm that the public achieves “a great emotionality with the work, we come out different and we also find great interest in the plastic resources used and in the sound singularity of the instrument.” “People feel, they live a ceremony and they have that feeling for several days. In each function a structure is deployed that adapts to each space and situation we inhabit, which enriches us and allows us to present it in many different places, since it was designed to be that way,” they conclude.

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