Milei travels to Córdoba amid protests and an internal crisis in the Cabinet

Milei travels to Córdoba amid protests and an internal crisis in the Cabinet
Milei travels to Córdoba amid protests and an internal crisis in the Cabinet


CÓRDOBA.- In the midst of a crisis in his cabinet and with demonstrations of rejection in the streets, Javier Milei will lead today from this city the event for May 25 without the approved Base Law and without progress in the ten-point pact to which he had summoned the 24 governors on March 1, when he opened the ordinary sessions in Congress. The President will be sole speaker of a day in which he will once again target “the political caste” for considering that it hindered his reforms, as they confided yesterday to THE NATION sources close to the head of state.

Far from seeking agreements with Congress to guarantee the advancement of the Base Law and the fiscal package, the President will once again distinguish between politicians who he considers to be in favor of change and those who are not. He will appeal to the “principle of revelation,” his theory to explain the initial failure of what was the omnibus law.

The President will only see one governor, who will be the host, Martin Llaryora. The invitation to the grand pact was suspended until the outcome of the legislative initiatives is known. He also conditioned the changes in the cabinet to what happens with the Bases Law, whose treatment in the Senate could only be finalized during the first week of June. However, Milei gave a signal that could accelerate the departure of Nicolás Posse, his chief of staff. “We have to see if he is within the logic of the protocol,” responded the President when asked yesterday about the presence of the coordinating minister at this afternoon’s event in Córdoba.

In parallel to his fight with Congress and the uncertainty in which he plunged his cabinet, a reception with protests awaits Milei in Córdoba, which forced the authorities to reinforce the security operation. Since yesterday there is a wide deployment of troops at the same time that posters were seen against the libertarian adjustment of the Association of State Workers (ATE), one of the state unions that called to mobilize in the streets to reject the presidential visit.

“It seems to me to be a somewhat pathetic and undemocratic expression,” the Minister of the Interior declared to Cadena 3. Guillermo Francos, regarding organized mobilization. “I am concerned if there is a position like the one expressed about trying to prevent access to the President, on the part of ATE. I I suppose that the province of Córdoba will take the appropriate measures so that this does not happen,” the official added. Regarding security, the province maintained that they “collaborate”, but that the operation was designed by the “presidential security teams.” That is, the forces coordinated by Patricia Bullrich.

Preparations for the event on May 25 in Córdoba

The governor Martin Llaryora will return from Río Cuarto -alternate capital, where the local event takes place- to receive it and join the ceremony. “Córdoba has to be institutionally prepared to receive these events and invite the whole family. The coming of a President is always special,” she described, stressing that he is a “institutional act”. There will be music bands and chocolate.

According to the data available so far, Milei and his entourage, which will include members of the cabinet – there are no details of who -, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem and some other national legislators, He will arrive around 2:00 p.m. in the city, after the Tédeum in the Buenos Aires Cathedral, and will go directly to the Provincial Government House to receive the protocol greetings and from there, it could be in an old collector’s car, to Plaza San Martín .

The event will take place in the esplanade of the Cabildo of Córdoba. There will be a stage and a giant screen facing away from the building and a few rows of chairs for special guests. At least, that’s what was put together for this Friday’s activity.

“President Javier Milei invites the Argentine people to celebrate National Day in the Cabildo of the city of Córdoba, this Saturday, May 25 at 2 p.m.,” says the invitation, which was accompanied with an image of the libertarian on the presidential balcony. and which has been spreading for a few days Office of the President through its networks.

The national deputy and president of the La Libertad Avanza bloc, Gabriel Bornoroni, He described the act as “institutional, popular.” The party is inviting followers to mobilize towards the square. Your colleague María Cecilia Ibáñez He specified that the only one who will speak will be the President.

The Cordoba Cabildo, in 1810 was the center of the “counterrevolution” after the pronouncement of the First Junta. When the news of the revolution reached these lands, the former viceroy Santiago de Liniers and the governor of the Municipality of Córdoba del Tucumán, Juan Gutiérrez de la Concha, took a position contrary to that of the revolutionaries.

Federico Giuliani, general secretary of ATE Córdoba, pointed out the context in which Milei comes to celebrate May 25 in Córdoba: “In the middle of a discussion between a free or dependent country, a President aligned with the United States arrives. The popular struggle bogged down the release of the Bases law. “We are going to exercise our right to protest, which is guaranteed by the National Constitution.”

The two CGTFor their part, they will mobilize from Colón and General Paz, through the center of the city. They are calling to meet at noon. He Worker Pole will also march and is coordinating with the CTA.

Giuliani pointed out that just as there are union members charged by the Córdoba Justice Department for blocking streets to protest, “if they block as we are already seeing, are they going to be charged? “This President has already fired more than 15,000 workers in the country, without compensation, without notice, without anything.”

The Minister of Security of Cordoba, Juan Pablo Quintero, explained that there will be three safety rings, the first in charge of the Provincial Police and the other two, of the federal forces. He confirmed that the deployment was armed by the Nation. Regarding the progress of the marches, he maintained that there will be no interference as long as they do not enter the rings.

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