CÓRDOBA WALLET CARDS | Wallet cards remain unassigned in Córdoba while resources run out

CÓRDOBA WALLET CARDS | Wallet cards remain unassigned in Córdoba while resources run out
CÓRDOBA WALLET CARDS | Wallet cards remain unassigned in Córdoba while resources run out

The launch of the new system wallet cards designed by the central government, to replace periodic deliveries in kind for distribution to entities through food banks, remains on hold in Córdoba, as in the rest of Andalusia. In fact, only two autonomous communities have begun to assign them. The interterritorial council held this Friday to address the matter does not seem to have stopped the tug of war between the Ministry of Social Rights and governments like that of the Board, which insists on demanding un mixed system that serves not only all vulnerable families and not only those with minors in their care and the list of supermarkets to which the beneficiaries of the wallet cards can go is expanded. In the middle of the European electoral campaign, both sides remain castled in their positions while resources run out and families wonder when they will be able to use the promised aid.

In Córdoba, wallet cards They can only be used in 19 stores, present in ten of the 77 municipalities of the province. The Red Cross has confirmed to this newspaper that “the contract with the supermarkets is closed through a national tender, with a series of requirements, to which a number of supermarkets have submitted” and they are not aware that it will be expanded.

For its part, the Ministry, which responded in the interterritorial council to more than 25 questions on technical and legal doubts related to the implementation of the system, he announced that all the information will be compiled and transferred in an orientation guide to the communities next week, while urging the regional governments to accelerate the process of launching the cards .

For its part, the Department of Social Inclusion Andalusia insisted after the meeting on the need for “the Government set homogeneous criteria for the entire country» and clarify «the procedure for referring families to the Red Cross, establishing homogeneous criteria to know how to compute income in income valuationhow to define family units and what to do in the municipalities (eight out of ten in Andalusia) where there are no supermarkets participating in the program». The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces joined the claim this Friday and requested the Government of a uniform protocol for the development of the new aid model to families in situations of extreme vulnerability, as well as a six-month extension for communities to develop the measure.

No referrals from Social Services

Regarding Córdoba, the Red Cross announced that they have not yet received referrals from Social Services, who are in charge of identifying, evaluating and diverting the receiving families, and that the institutions involved (Government, Board and City Council) continue in the coordination phase. With no short-term date on the implementation of wallet cards, some social entities They complain that they are already having supply problems of the Food Bank, which is why they are ceasing to serve families in vulnerable situations that demand food aid, since Stock warehouses are “under minimum.”


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