Javier Milei celebrates May 25 in Córdoba without an agreement and with ministers in “analysis”: his agenda this Saturday

President Javier Milei will headline this saturday a new commemoration of May 25with a packed agenda of activities that include everything from the Tedeum in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires to an event in Córdoba, which is anticipated, It will have more of a partisan character than an official one.

The event will take place at a complex moment for the Government, amid rumors about a possible departure of Nicolás Posse, current Chief of Staff, and a general change of ministers not far in the future.

Nor will it be the celebration that the president and his collaborators originally wanted for this 25th, a product of the frustrated May Pact and the delayed Bases Law, still untreated in the Senate.

Javier Milei’s agenda this May 25, from Buenos Aires to Córdoba

The day of the head of state, at least institutionally, It will begin with the delivery of chocolate and cupcakes in the Bust Hall of the Casa Rosada, an event to which all ministers would be invited, including Posse.

From there, around 8:30, you will go to the nearby Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, where you will participate in the traditional Tedeum, led by Archbishop Monsignor Jorge García Cuerva.

At the end of the homily, two presidential planes will depart with the head of state and the vice president. Victoria Villarruel, who for security reasons are prevented from sharing trips, and the rest the members of the Cabinet heading to the province of Córdoba to celebrate the May event in the Cabido of the province.

The idea is to make a kind of reversal of the open town hall with a libertarian format, in which the Head of State, as the only speaker, pronounces a short speech focused on the defense of its economic program and the main milestones of its management.

The governor of Córdoba, Martin Llaryoraanticipated that he will receive the president who plans to visit his province at 15, and that you will find a protest from the ATE union that promises to block access to Plaza San Martín.

With information from Argentine News
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