Petra Nemcova: the top model who survived the Thailand tsunami and her special connection with Chile | TV and Show

Petra Nemcova: the top model who survived the Thailand tsunami and her special connection with Chile | TV and Show
Petra Nemcova: the top model who survived the Thailand tsunami and her special connection with Chile | TV and Show

Almost 20 years ago, Petra Nemcova’s life changed forever after experiencing the most devastating tsunami in history, which occurred in Southeast Asia.

The model was with her partner, British photographer Simon Atlee, in a bungalow in Khao Lak, Thailand, when the tsunami took them by surprise as they were preparing to leave the area.

The waves, which reached a height of more than 11 meters, destroyed the hotel where he was located, but also destroyed everything in their path on the coasts of the Indian Ocean.

More than 220 thousand victims were registered after the misfortune, among whom was Simon, his partner, who was swept away by a current.

However, Petra Nemcova managed to save herself, but not before fighting for her life, which changed her forever and gave her another path to her career, one that even brought her to Chile.

Petra Nemcova: how meditation helped her survive and heal

“We went to breakfast and when we were walking along the beach we saw the sea receding. At that moment I thought it was the full moon, because the oceans move during the full moon, so I thought that’s why,” is how Petra Nemcova begins to recount the morning of terror she experienced in Thailand on December 26, 2004.

The model told Build Series what happened before the tsunami, stating “we were about to leave the area, two hours later, and then, at a time when we were in the bungalow and packing, the tsunami hit.”

She noted that after the wave hit her, her mind was completely calm, thanks to the meditation she practiced 5 years ago, which allowed her to be calm and not panic.

That training in meditation helped her survive the eight hours she was clinging to a palm tree trying to save herself, while she watched as her partner, photographer Simon Atlee, was carried away by a current and his body was found in March of the following year.

The model suffered serious injuries such as her pelvis broken into four parts and internal bleeding, but after 4 months she was already recovered, an exceptional case, since according to what she said, the process should take at least two years.

Petra Nemcova attributes it to meditation and like the calm she managed to maintain in the tsunami, so did her recovery later.

“When you can be positive, your body heals faster, emotionally you heal faster, positivity attracts positivity, and of course I had very difficult moments, but if I was sad for a long time, I said ‘Okay, one hour and get out of there. “”, said the model.

Create a foundation and improve the lives of others

Petra Nemcova said that after the tsunami and her recovery she learned many things, including enjoying the moment more, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

But also, he began to use his platform as a model, withdrawing from the “commercial” area and focusing his work on charity, declaring ““I will do it as long as there is meaning and a good cause behind it.”

Thus, she became a philanthropist, creating the “Happy Hearts” foundation, an initiative that seeks to build schools for children in areas affected by natural disasters, such as the one she herself experienced in Thailand.

It is a way to help children who survive disasters after experiencing the emotional pain of listening to children asking for help while injured and clinging to a palm tree, unable to do anything to assist them.

The objective of the foundation is that through these schools, children and entire communities can have hope and avoid the negative impact that not having these infrastructures generates on future generations.

What she did is not small, she managed to build more than 200 schools in 10 countries, bringing hope to places as remote as Chile, for example, which maintains a special connection with the model.

Petra Nemcova: her connection to Chile

The model came to our country twice, first in 2013 and then in 2015, to inaugurate the construction of the Nuevo Futuro school in Lota.

Establishment that his foundation helped build together with the collaboration of the Súmate del Hogar de Cristo Foundation and SURA Chile, after the earthquake that affected our country in 2010.

The school opened its doors in 2013, when it became a reception center for 55 students from vulnerable sectors of Lota, Coronel and its surroundings, a function it fulfilled until 2022 when it moved to Concepción with the aim of reaching more students.

Regarding her visit to the city, the director of the establishment, Mónica Chacón, commented, “I love her because she left personal ambitions aside. She is a very simple, beautiful and super humble person,” stated La Cuarta.

While the model stated, “we started with this foundation to deliver dreams to children, to help them build their dream to those who have not had equitable access to education, in order to rebuild the hope of families after a natural disaster. ”.

“All hands and hearts”: being stronger together

In 2015, the same year she visited Chile for the second time, the model joined David Campbell, a philanthropist who founded “All Hands Volunteers,” a nonprofit organization that provided assistance since the tsunami in Thailand.

Campbell, moved by his experience helping tsunami victims, created the foundation which that year merged with Happy Hearts Fund to form All Hands and Hearts.

In this way, both co-founders joined forces to effectively and efficiently help the immediate and long-term needs of people affected by natural disasters around the world, rebuilding schools and homes.

Through their website they request assistance for events that are happening at the moment, such as the floods that affected southern Brazil in recent weeks.

Petra Nemcova and her new life

The model never abandons her philanthropy and continues modeling. Recently, she could be seen as the face of Chopard, the jewelry brand, participating in its campaign and also attending the fashion show that took place within the framework of the Cannes Festival.

In addition, in 2019 she became the mother of Bodhi, the child she had with her husband, the French-Venezuelan businessman, Benjamin Larretche, reported Hola!.

“That experience will always be part of my life and who I am, but the moment I am living is, without a doubt, a new and beautiful chapter for me,” commented the model, remembering her boyfriend, Simon, as he lives his new stage as a mother.

It is common to see her on social networks with her son and her husband, with whom she continues to enjoy the life she clings to, just as she did that morning with the palm tree that helped save her.

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