Five classic cooking recipes to celebrate May 25

Five classic cooking recipes to celebrate May 25
Five classic cooking recipes to celebrate May 25

Traditional Argentine foods are the protagonists on national holidays

He 25 of May It is an emblematic date in Argentina, a crucial milestone on the path to the country’s independence, as it commemorates the May Revolution of 1810. On this day, Argentines celebrate and remember the values ​​of freedom that inspired the heroes of that historical moment. The streets are dressed in light blue and whiteparades, events and cultural demonstrations are held throughout the country.

One of the most deeply rooted traditions on this date is preparation of typical meals. The tables are filled with classic delicacies, such as the empanadas and locro, which evoke the flavors and aromas of Creole cuisine. These dishes not only satisfy the palate, but also connect families and communities around the table, which strengthens social and cultural ties that last over time. Furthermore, the traditional desserts such as dulce de leche, pastelitos and alfajores, add a touch of sweetness to this very special festival.

Locro is a traditional food with pre-Columbian roots with Spanish influence

He locro It is one of the oldest and most traditional foods in Argentina. It is a dish with roots in cultures precolumbian, especially typical in the northwest provinces and on national holidays. It is a combination of flavors of local ingredients such as corn, squash and beans with influences spanishwhich results in a robust and nutritious stew which is cooked over low heat to enhance its flavors.

Taking into account that the Argentine national holidays are celebrated on the cold days of autumn and winter, it is a culinary tradition for these dates

You can see the locro recipe here.

Argentine meat empanadas are characterized by having a crispy dough and a juicy filling.

Meat empanadas are a emblematic dish of Argentine gastronomy, which is known and appreciated worldwide. They stand out for their crunchy dough and their juicy filling made with minced meat. The combination of spices added varies depending on the region and family traditions. They are a must at family gatherings, parties with friends and national holidays, which shows their cultural importance for the country.

The basic ingredients include minced meat, onion, red pepper, garlic, cumin and paprika, plus salt and pepper to taste. The recipe involves sautéing the vegetables, cooking the meat with spices and then filling the dough discs with this mixture. The tasty and well-seasoned filling should not be excessively liquid to prevent the dough from getting wet before baking. The empanadas are sealed and baked until golden brown. Once ready, they offer a unmatched flavor in every bite.

You can see the recipe for meat empanadas here.

The classic puff pastry has a simplified version that is perfect for preparing cupcakes

This traditional Argentine fried dessert is very popular in snacks and its origin dates back to the XVII century. Initially, the pastries were filled with quince paste, but over time sweet potato and dulce de leche were incorporated. Today there is a wide variety of options according to personal preferences to enjoy this sweet dish. The key to these cupcakes lies in their puff pastrywhich is common to all versions.

To prepare them, it is enough to carry out a simplified version of the typical dough that does not require traditional puff pastry. This makes it easier and faster to prepare. The dough is made by mixing flour, butter, water and lemon juice, and then chilled. After stretching and painting the dough with butter and sprinkling it with cornstarch several times, it is cut into squares. A piece of candy is placed in the center of a square, covered with another diagonally and the corners are sealed. Frying is done in two stages: first over medium heat and then at high temperature to ensure that the puff pastry open and brown properly. Finally, they are painted with syrup and can be decorated with sprinkles.

You can see the recipe for quince and sweet potato cakes here.

The soft texture of these alfajores is achieved by mixing flour and cornstarch (Freepik)

Cornstarch alfajores are a traditional Argentine preparation that evokes memories of family gatherings and snacks. The mixture of dulce de leche between two cookies and the grated coconut make each bite a true delight. These alfajores are a cultural icon, and their preparation connects with the culinary roots from the country.

To prepare these alfajores, combine cornstarch with flour, which gives them their characteristic soft texture. The dough is made by beating butter with sugar, adding egg yolks, vanilla essence and lemon zest. Then the sifted dry ingredients are integrated. After the dough is refrigerated, it is rolled out, cut into circles, and baked. Once the caps have cooled, they are spread with dulce de leche, covered with another cookie and the edges are coated with grated coconut.

You can see the recipe for the cornstarch alfajores here.

The mazamorra can be served hot or cold, therefore it is ideal for any time of the year (Getty)

The Creole mazamorra is a traditional Argentine dessert that dates back to the colonial period. It was popular with gauchos and rural workers for its simplicity and nutritional value, since it is made from white corn and sweetened with sugar or honey. This dessert is an icon of Argentine culture and gastronomy, especially appreciated in national celebrations such as 25 of May.

This dessert is ideal for cold winter days or as a sweet surprise at any time of the year. To prepare it, first soak the white corn for 12 hours. It is then cooked over medium heat in water until tender, which takes about 2 hours. Once cooked, sugar and vanilla essence are added, and cooked over low heat for an additional 10 minutes. The dungeon can be served hotsprinkled with cinnamon and lemon zest, or coldas preferred.

You can see the Creole mazamorra recipe here.

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