ignored Posse, walk arm in arm with Villarruel, hug with Pettovello and an unexpected selfie

ignored Posse, walk arm in arm with Villarruel, hug with Pettovello and an unexpected selfie
ignored Posse, walk arm in arm with Villarruel, hug with Pettovello and an unexpected selfie

Javier Milei’s first step through the traditional Tedeum of May 25 In the Cathedral he left several pearls, curious moments and even an x-ray of power expressed between hugs with some figures and total coldness with others.

Victory under the arm

The president and the vice president headed to the Cathedral arm in arm. Photo: Reuters

Milei arrived shortly after 9, accompanied by his cabinet. He entered the Casa Rosada, took the baton and the presidential sash, and walked the block that separated it from the cathedral.

His personal escort was Vice President Victoria Villarruel., who took him by the arm and accompanied him until he entered the church. In that first row were some of the main government swords, such as Martín Menem.

When he arrived at the door, he was greeted by Jorge Macri, head of the Buenos Aires Government, who escorted him along with Father Alejandro Russo, rector of the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Together with Villarruel they approached to accommodate the laurel wreath which is deposited next to the remains of General Don José de San Martín. Curiosity? It fell to the ground and they had to fix it.


The moment when Milei and Villarruel approached to arrange the laurel wreath and it fell to the ground.

A hug, a silence and a selfie

After the mass, Milei walked the way out, where he met different people who greeted him, with varying degrees of affection.

The first of them was Jorge Macri, with whom he hugged. Then he greeted his partner, the journalist María Belén Ludueña, and shook hands with the vice head of the Buenos Aires Government, Clara Muzzio.

Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior, followed, with whom he shook hands as he passed, as well as the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. The same with the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona,

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, was one of those who received a warm hug. The one that was completely ignored was the questioned Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse, whose departure has been rumored in recent hours. Milei passed him by her and did not greet him. She didn’t even look at him.


Milei ignored the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, in the Buenos Aires cathedral.

The libertarian’s path down the aisle of the Cathedral included several more privileged people. Those who received the greeting were the Minister of Health, Mario Russo; the Secretary of Media, Eduardo Serenellini; that of Legal and Technical, Javier Herrera Bravo; and the deputy José Luis Espert with his wife.

An affectionate greeting was received by the deputy Santiago Santurio, one of those who accompanied Milei through Spain and in his meetings with Vox. Also the deputies Lorena Villaverde, Juliana Santillán, Julio Moreno Ovalle and Nicolás Emma, ​​who replaced the Lion on his bench when he was elected president. Lilia Lemoine, who was a few meters away from her, did not approach the hallway to say hello.

Along the way, Milei continued handshaking. One of them was for the former PRO senator, Federico Pinedo. Another, for the former Secretary of Human Rights during the government of Mauricio Macri, Claudio Avruj.

The last effusive greetings were for the Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Javier Rodríguez Chirillo, and for the provincial deputy for Buenos Aires, Nahuel Sotelo.

Before leaving the church, Milei had a curious moment. It was when she ran into an assistant who asked her for a selfie. With remarkable speed, the president adopted his now traditional pose with his thumbs up to comply with the Cholulo request and move forward.

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