Weretilneck accompanied Buteler at the event for May 25 in Cipolletti

Without prior announcements, Alberto Weretilneck was present at the event on May 25 which was held in Cipolletti headed by Rodrigo Buteler. The governor gave a speech to the residents present where he stated that “The objectives of the week of May to have the nation we have been looking for are still unfinished.” In addition, he made reference to Education, the future of Rio Negro youth and older adults.

The governor chose to witness the event on May 25 in the city where he was born, Cipolletti. The event took place in the Plaza del Bicentenario (Pacheco and 25 de Mayo) starting at 10:30 and the celebrations will continue throughout the day.

There the governor showed his support again Rodrigo Buteler who thanked him for his presence at the beginning of his speech. After the words of the mayor of Cipolletti, It was Weretilneck who took the microphone to address the neighbors.

The governor took advantage of this moment to remember what the week of May was like in 1810 and assured that “the objectives of having the nation that we have been looking for, or the provinces or cities, are still unfinished. “We are not going to look for those responsible for this unfinished task, we all have something to think about the mistakes to get to the country we deserve.”

In reference to this he said “a country where children live without being violated, where they do not lack a plate to eat, where they have an education and a guaranteed future.”

He also dedicated a few words to young people and older adults. «A country in the future to build a life, a family. Where grandparents are proud of having spent their life in this country or province.

Weretilneck’s presence at the event held in Cipolletti had not been announced. Today, pYou could also participate in the event on May 25 in Allen, where the town’s anniversary will also be celebrated.


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