thousands of workers, women and young people at the Meeting in Plaza Congreso

thousands of workers, women and young people at the Meeting in Plaza Congreso
thousands of workers, women and young people at the Meeting in Plaza Congreso

Encounter: For a fighting plan until defeating Milei’s entire plan

*We demand an active strike and national mobilization of the CGT and the CTA the day the basic law is discussed in the Senate. That the fight plan continues with a 36-hour strike with national mobilization.

*Down with any labor reform. No negotiations between the union centers and the government.

*Down with the anti-worker and popular Base Law.

*Below the adjustment of the governors in the provinces.

*Enough of the persecution of the piquetero movement. Below the trout causes

*Down with Bulrich’s repressive protocol. Down with the DNU. Unconditional defense of the right to protest and independent organization of all governments and the State.

*Reincorporation of all workers dismissed from the industry and from State entities. Let’s face all the bosses’ attacks

*For the triumph of all workers and popular struggles

*Emergency increase in salary and pensions. We reject the anti-retirement reform.
Minimum equivalent to the family basket. Free joint ventures No to closures and privatizations. Enough of precarious work.

*Unconditional defense of public and free Education and Health. Tripling of the educational and public health budget.

*Justice for the victims of the Barracas massacre. He was lesbicide. Enough hate crimes and speeches. The State and its governments are responsible.

*Down with the rates.

*Enough of extractivist looting

*Down with the Rigi and all recolonization plans

*Out with the IMF


Unions, sections and recovered factories: SUTNA (Single Union of Argentine Tire Workers), Western Sectional Railway Union Executive Commission, UBA Teachers’ Union Association AGD-UBA, ADEMyS, Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba-Capital (UEPC), UATRE Ledesma, Ceramics Union of recovered factories of Neuquen, Adosac Pico Truncado (Santa Cruz), Adosac San Julián (Santa Cruz), Union of Municipal Workers of Jesús María, SUTEBA-Marcos Paz, SITRAREPA (Basic Union of Delivery Workers by Application), Cooperativa MadyGraf ex Donnelley under worker management, Union of Private Home Workers (SITraCP), ATE INCAA Internal Board in struggle, Members of the Minority Steering Commission in FOETRA Bs As, Internal Commission of the Italian Hospital, Members of the AGTSyP Executive Secretariat ( Subte), members of the Board of Directors CEDEMS Jujuy, HIGA Sectional CICOP Presidency Eva Perón, Sectional CICOP Presidency H. Belgrano San Martín, Secretariats of Organization, International Relations and National Affairs CICOP, Members of the Provincial Board of Directors Cicop for the minority, SAE La Rioja, Municipal Workers Union of Vte López, Sutna San Fernando Section, Sutna Merlo Section, Sutna Lavallol Section, Sutna Córdoba delegation, Internal Board of ATE Hospital Garrahan, CICOP Presidency Hurlingham Section Internal Non-Teaching Commission, Apuba- Cs. Social, Internal Graphic Commission Anselmo Morvillo, Body of FFCC Sarmiento Delegates, ATE Internal Board Ministry of Economy, General Secretary of the San Nicolás Municipal Union, General Secretary of the ATE Internal Board IOMA La Plata, Members of the Sectional Board of Directors Hospital San Martín La Plata, CICOP, Members of the sectional board of directors Hospital Rodolfo Rossi La Plata, CICOP, Members of the sectional board of directors Hospital Posadas CICOP, Members of the sectional board of directors Hospital Cestino Ensenada CICOP, Members of the sectional board of directors Hospital José Ingenieros de Romero CICOP, Internal Board of YCRT Punta Loyola, General Secretary Internal Board of ATE Hospital Evita. Hurlingham Sectional CICOP Presidency. SITRADU General Secretariat (Doc. Unive. Entre Ríos); Presidency and Sec. Guild ALE (Asoc. Graduates in Nursing CABA); General Sec. APyT Htal Garrahan; AGIHM General Secretariat (ASoc. Prof. Htal Moyano); ATECH Press Sec (Doc. Chubut), Berazategui Municipal Personnel Union, Union Delegates: Delegates of the internal GPS Commission of Aerolíneas Argentinas outsourcers. Aeroparque in struggle, Outsourced GPS Delegate of Aerolíneas Argentinas. Ezeiza in struggle, Atem Secco Body of delegates, Ledesma Jujuy Sugar Producers Delegates, AGTSyP base delegates line A, B and D, Delegates of the ATE Ensenada Astillero Río Santiago Body of Delegates. Delegates and directors of: CONADUH, ADIUC-UNC; ADUNLU, ADUNS, AGTSyP, SIPREBA, Textilana AFIP, FOETRA Bs As, SICA, AMSAFE-Rosario, ATEN-Capital, ATEN-Plottier, SUTEBA-Tigre, SUTEBA-Bahía Blanca, ADOSAC-Gregores, UEJN-Fuero Penal, ATE-Córdoba , ATE-Secretariat of Labor, ATE-CONICET, UOYEP (plastics), UOM, STIA, Delegates of the Internal Commission of Guma, Delegates of the ATE Internal Board Legislature of the Province of Bs As, Delegates of the ATE Culture Internal Board, Delegates of ATE Minicipales Moreni , ANSES Delegates, Delegates of the ATE National Labor Secretariat, Delegates of the Corps of ATE Headquarters and UDI delegates, of the Ministry of Community Development – PBA, ATE Delegates – Production Ministry of the PBA, ATE Delegates, maintenance sector, DGCy PBA Education, ATE Mrio Agroindustry PBA Delegates, PBA Health Mrio ATE Delegates, Secretaries of the Board of Directors of SUTEBA Tigre, Human Rights Secretariat of SUTEBA Bahía Blanca, Secretary of Social Promotion and Tourism of SUTEBA Bahía Blanca, Fired workers from Garbarino in struggle . Delegate of the body of delegates Ombudsman ATE La Plata, IBF Delegates SUTNA Cordoba, Union Currents: Movement of Classist Groups (MAC-PTS), Classist Union Coordinator (CSC-PO), National Anti-bureaucratic Classist Grouping (ANCLA/MST), Current Trade Union December 18, Goyo Flores Classist Trade Union Current (Vía Socialista)

Piqueteros Movements and social organizations: Polo Obrero, Movement Without Work “Teresa Vive”, MTL Rebelde, MTR 12 de Abril, Housing Departments,

Student Centers: Veterinary Medicine Student Center-UBA, Pharmacy and Biochemistry Student Center-UBA, Science and Technology Student Center Universidad de San Martín, ISDF 11 Student Center, Joaquín V. González Student Center, Movement Arts Student Center -UNA, Visual Arts Student Center – UNA Tertiary Student Center 39-Vicente López, Tertiary Student Center 51-Pilar, Tertiary Student Center 88- La Matanza, Presidency of the Student Center of the Faculty of Humanities (UNCo ), Vice-Presidency of the Social Work Student Center (UNCo), CETRASO Presidency, CEHUMA Presidency, ISFD 45 Presidency, Olga Cossetini Presidency, ISET 18 Presidency, Alicia M. de Justo Student Center Presidency (CABA), Center Presidency of students from the “Cecilia Grierson” Higher School of Nursing, Normal Presidency No. 5 (CABA), CEEA Presidency – Audiovisual Arts Student Center National University of the Arts, CETS Presidency – Social Work Student Center of the National University from Lujan. Secretariats of Student Centers: General Secretary of the CEFyL (UBA), Secretariat of struggle for the budget CEFYL (UBA), International Secretary CEFyL UBA, Secretary of the Worker-Student Unit of the CeCSO (UBA), Secretary of Gender and Diversity of the CEP (UBA ), Member of CECEN UBA, Press Secretary of the Faculty of Law and Social Affairs (UNCo), Human Rights Secretariat – CECN of the UNT), General Secretary of the Normal Faculty No. 1 (CABA), Secretary of Student Rights and Budget CEAVI National University of the Arts, Secretariat for the Right to Public Education. CECSEA (UNQui), Sports Secretariat. CECyT (UNQui), Secretariat of Human Rights, Gender and Diversity of the Humanities and Arts Student Center (CEDHA-UNLa), Audiovision Secretariat of the Humanities and Arts Student Center (CEDHA-UNLa), Press and Diffusion Secretary of the Center for Humanities and Arts Students (CEDHA-UNLa), Human Rights Secretary of the School of Humanities (UNSAM), Secretary of Academic Affairs (UNGS). General Secretary of the Environmental Information Student Center – National University of Luján, General Secretary of the UNLu History Student Center – National University of Luján, Directors of the Social Communication career – National University of Moreno, Sec. Environmental Management Center of Studies of the University of Moreno, Sec. Organization of the FUA, Sec. Environmental (FUBA), Sec. Student Workers Unit (FUBA), Sec. Culture (FUA) Socio-Environmental Secretary CEA, Secretary of Environment and Territories CEAVI UNA, Secretary of environment and territories CECA UNA, Secretary of Climate Change and Territories CEFyL UBA, Student Councilors of the University Front in Defense of Education UNPA Caleta Olivia, UNaHur assembly.

Popular Assemblies: Assembly of self-convened neighbors of Avellaneda, Assembly of Barracas, Assembly of Ciudadela, Popular Assembly of Flores, Popular Assembly of José C. Paz, Popular Assembly of Laferrere, Self-convened Assembly Lanús Resiste, Popular Assembly of Libertad, Assembly of Self-convened Neighbors of Merlo, Morón Neighborhood Assembly in struggle, Avellaneda Park Assembly, Patricios Park Assembly, Quilmes Autoconvocades Assembly, Ramos Mejia Assembly in struggle, Rivadavia and Medrano Assembly, San Cristóbal, Constitución and Monserrat Assembly, Posta Salud de Oeste, Assembly of Glew, Self-convened Assembly of Florencio Varela, Assembly of Lomas de Zamora, Assembly of San Telmo, Assembly of Paternal, Assembly of UnaHur, Self-convened Assembly of Berazategui, Assembly of Caballito, Self-convened Assembly of Boedo, Assembly of Ituzaingó, Assembly of La Boca , Assembly of Scalabrini Ortiz and Corrientes, Assembly of Ezeiza, Assembly of Ángel Gallardo and Av Corrientes, Assembly of Parque Chacabuco, Assembly of Villa Luro-Liniers, Units for Culture Zona Norte, Units for Culture Campana, Assembly of Podesta, Assembly of neighbors self-convened members of Quinta de Olivos, Popular Assembly of José C Paz, Assembly of self-convened neighbors of San Martín, Neighborhood Assembly of Tres de Febrero (Caseros), Popular Assembly of Tigre, Assembly of Viceroys -San Fernando, Assembly of Santos Lugares (Tres of February), Popular Assembly of Escobar, Collective of Northwest Artists, Student Coordinator – unified struggle (Campana).

Retirees: Plenary of Retired Workers (PTJ), Retirees of the Left/ANCLA, UTJEL (Union of Retired Workers in Struggle)

Groups of the women’s and diversity movement: “Bread and Roses” Women’s Group, Plenary of Workers (PDT), Together and on the Left, Free Diversity/MST, Isadora Women in Struggle, Dissidents in Struggle, Las Rojas Group. Las Mariposas Gender and Dissent Space – MTR April 12, Gender Defenders. Feminist Organization, Feminists of Abya Yala, Las Azucenas La Plata.

Human Rights: ANFEDH (Activists, Grandchildren, Relatives and former Detainees Disappeared for Human Rights), APEL (Association of professionals in Struggle), CeProDH (Center of Professionals for Human Rights), CADHU (Center of Lawyers for Human Rights), Militant Meeting Cachito Fukman, FADHUS (Front of Lawyers for Human Rights and Socialism), Socialist Network for Human Rights. Western Health Post GBA, La Posta en Salud, La Colectiva Cultural, EPCT (Meeting of Professionals Against Torture) and CMM (Militant Memory Collective) HIJOS Western Zone, Coordinator Against Police and Institutional Repression or (CORREPI), Herman@ s of Disappeared for Truth and Justice. Legal Action Committee (CAJ), Self-convened Movement of former prisoners, former exiles, Children survivors of State Terrorism, Environmental struggle groups: Plurinational Coordinator Enough of False Solutions (BFS), Red Alert, Ecosocialist Network, Environmental Tribune, AEA (Anticapitalist Ecological Action), Environment in Struggle, Sentimiento Mutual Association,

Political organizations: Left Front and Workers-Unity, Socialist Workers’ Party (PTS), Workers’ Party (PO), Socialist Left (IS), Socialist Workers’ Movement (MST), New MAS (New Movement to Socialism), Socialist Convergence, Via Socialist, Argentine Communist Party, Marabunta Political and Social Current.

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