Former director of the Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga is dismissed

Former director of the Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga is dismissed
Former director of the Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga is dismissed

To the meeting, for which more than half a million pesos were invested, Businessmen, representatives of unions, civil associations and community television channels attended with whom topics such as health, safety, mobility, recycling, social and environmental conflicts and the El Carrasco solid waste final disposal site were addressed.

The Attorney General’s Office, in the first instance, considered that “It is intended to use a business meeting and environmental issues as a sophistry of distraction and to disguise the real intention, which was to seek polls for the aforementioned political cause which, in less than a week, began to materialize by filing on June 10, 2018, the request for a coalition of parties for its candidacy.”

During the meeting, Pachón Moncada greeted the attendees, including CDMB officials, “urging them to help in Mr. Anaya Martínez’s aspiration, and even recognizing herself as one of those who called and invited him to the aforementioned activity.” indicating that “then truly with the help of God, with the help of all of you, the first meeting that is held for the next elections for the Mayor of Bucaramanga, let’s give a big round of applause to our dear friend, doctor Fredy Antonio Anaya Martínez.”

For the Attorney General’s Office it is clear that the participation of the disciplined in the political controversy occurred within the framework of an electoral process and In this case, this electoral process was related to the local authority elections of October 27, 2019, which began on October 27, 2018.

From the testimonies collected during the disciplinary trial “it is inferred that the true purpose of the meeting held on June 4, 2019, in which Sandra Pachón participated has an evident political nature by allowing the intervention of Fredy Anaya who had a clear political aspiration and that was to seek support and followers for the political cause and to that end, the so-called polls that he carried out.”

To achieve these polls “did not need to be formally registered as a candidate or speak before a club that, by philosophy, he claims to be apolitical, that he is going to hold a political meeting or put up banners, billboards and other propaganda that, according to the electoral calendar, was not yet allowed to be held,” said the disciplinary body.

The results of that survey and first meeting were fruitful because at the beginning of the following week he was already filing the documents with the party of which he is a member to achieve a coalition with another political party, as in fact was granted to him the following month.

The Public Ministry indicated that Pachón Moncada failed to fulfill her duties as a public servant, by not refraining from taking part in political controversies, generating a negative impact on the institutional image of the CDMB.

The conduct was definitively classified by the Attorney General’s Office as extremely serious as a result of fraud.

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