Democratic quality in Corrientes plummets

Democratic quality in Corrientes plummets
Democratic quality in Corrientes plummets

Democratic quality in Corrientes plummets

From the province of Corrientes, Francisco González Cabañas informs us of one more incident, among many that he claims to have confronted in recent years, revealing the lack of democratic quality in that province. He specifically refers to the threatening attitude of a deputy when he was politely asked about his position regarding the approval of the Bases Law in Congress. In summary, this is what we talked about:

My friends the radicals (obviously it is an irony) it seems to me that they are not doing things well in institutional terms. Asked….

Unfortunately Gabriel. Every time we contact you it is for a situation to point out the lack of democratic quality in my province of Corrientes.

Today, coincidentally, there was an event by the UCR of the Corrientes District, chaired by Ricardo Colombi, former governor and current senator, and who apparently had a different position than his governor Gustavo Valdés in relation to the link he has with the radicals in the national government ( LLA-Milei).

From there, it is an interest of those of us who actively work in politics or communication in the province of Corrientes, if not the entire country, to know how radicalism is going to behave in the debate on the Bases Law. And that was what happened here in Corrientes, especially with the two national deputies Alfredo Vallejos, and Manuel Aguirre – Cabañas stated -, who voted both in general in favor and in particular in each of the articles. The opposite was true for his colleague Aguirre, who voted in favor in general, but against article 1, of delegating powers to the government. Obviously, like others of his co-religionists, they see it as gataflorism.

In light of this situation, Deputy Aguirre, who had raised this contradiction, was asked what he was going to do, if he was going to continue. He had previously said that his vote was radical, a question that is controversial, but it can be accepted, but that It didn’t clarify the picture. When asked what his position was going to be, whether it was with the radicalism that accompanies President Milei or that which is against, unfortunately despite the friendly tone in which he was asked, he responded with an intimidating and threatening tone written from his email. Plain and simple that he was going to send those of us who questioned him in that way to court.

The behavior of this national deputy who has links with local and provincial justice, which he boasts about, was observed by other colleagues.

It happens that Corrientes, like other provinces, are very closed in terms of information, and when this is the case, it means that nothing good is being done…

Therefore, to a democratic question about which side the UCR was going to be on, this deputy answers that he is going to take it to court, the truth is that it is reckless to receive an answer of that nature. Ordinary citizens suffer from this oppression of freedom to ask for a position on a public issue. It seems to me that the minimum bases are to be able to speak, with respect and not fall into persecution and threats later.

Are the two deputies going to vote on the Bases Law?

In general, yes, what I estimate is that they are going to repeat the same behavior, because in some way Corrientes’ radicalism plays on both sides. The minimum is to know what his political position was.

Unfortunately I see a decline, a decline in democratic quality in the province of Corrientes, a few years ago it was more accessible to become a deputy or a representative of the people. They don’t attend to you and if they do, they cut you off or block you, a strange and worrying automatism. In that sense it is also worrying, supposedly we are close, but due to attitude or management we are further away.

Finally, Cabañas reported: “I am still working now on a Style Manual on communication from the Judiciary to the citizens, that is, he explained, suggesting that both in the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation and in the superior courts of the provinces, hold a conference per month and have a representative of the Minister present to make a kind of presentation on the actions of the judiciary, and that there be a kind of protocol with suggestions on how judges and prosecutors communicate to account for their work. to the citizens. Because the judiciary is one of the powers with which citizens have the least direct relationship – he argued -. We want to present this Manual to the nation’s Ministry of Justice – Cabañas anticipated.

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