Affects due to breakdown of the water supply service in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor

Affects due to breakdown of the water supply service in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor
Affects due to breakdown of the water supply service in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor

The breakage in one of the water distribution nodes belonging to the 800-millimeter conduit at the exit of the pumping station of the supported tank in the South zone has, since Friday, May 24, affected the supply service throughout the municipality of Ciego del Ávila.

Although the breakdown should only affect the distributions of Rivas Fragas, Vista Alegre and Maidique, the problem is greater because since the North and South lines are interconnected, the entire territory is involved, the director of operations of the Aqueduct and Water Company explained to Invasor. Sewerage of Ciego de Ávila, Deinys González García.


In repair functions, the “Cuito Cuanavale” Hydraulic Works Maintenance and Rehabilitation Company and the “Bécquer” construction MSME collaborate in replacing the section of damaged pipe through thermofusion welding. According to specialists’ estimates, the work should be completed on Sunday, May 26; although due to its magnitude there could be delays.


Once the water supply service is resumed, the prioritized popular councils would be those most affected by this inconvenience: City Center and Rivas Fragas. It would gradually be restored with the same frequency as until then in the rest of the municipality, said González García.

Likewise, he added that the complex energy panorama of the province and the deficit of fuel for the operation of the generating sets has also caused postponements in the water supply cycles.

Another of the persistent problems mainly in Rivas Fragas is the crossing of masonry waters in the hydraulic networks, especially due to the high number of leaks and that the EAACA has only two backhoes to eliminate these, concluded its director of operations.

Between those detected by the provincial company and those reported by residents, the sum of macroleaks amounts to 150, according to a reportage published by Invader.

“In other words, this means that, without being able to be stored or reach the final destination, approximately 40 percent of the liquid is lost,” this media outlet detailed.


If we take into account that the iron hydraulic networks date from the first half of the 20th century and to this is added a significant accumulation of sediments due to the hardness (chemistry) of the groundwater, it is obvious to affirm that the distribution of the vital resource always It will be under difficult conditions.

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