The President relaunched in Córdoba the pact to unblock the Bases Law and anticipated the creation of a May Council

The President relaunched in Córdoba the pact to unblock the Bases Law and anticipated the creation of a May Council
The President relaunched in Córdoba the pact to unblock the Bases Law and anticipated the creation of a May Council

Sat. 25.05.2024-18:14

“Milei is the most pro-American President”: the defense of a legislator against Biden

María Elvira Salazar, Republican representative for Miami, launched a strong defense of the libertarian and sent a letter to Joe Biden so that Argentina becomes integrate the Association for the Prosperity of the Americasan entity that the democrat launched in 2022 and of which, among other countries, Uruguay, Chile and Peru are part.

“Javier Milei is the most pro-United States President in the history of Argentina. He supports our agenda: Ukraine, Israel, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Taiwan, opening of markets,” said Salazar, who sent a letter to the US president to add the country to the APEP. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that they will work in that direction.

It is not the first time that Salazar, a journalist of Cuban origin, supports Milei. Last December, days after witnessing the libertarian’s inauguration, he asked the IMF and the US Treasury to expedite aid programs for Argentina. During Alberto Fernández’s time in La Rosada, the federal representative presented a bill for her country to investigate alleged cases of corruption by Cristina Kirchner. She was also very harsh with the fluid dialogue between Argentina and China in those years: she said it was a “pact with the devil.”


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