12 public hearings in the Legislature – Urban News

12 public hearings in the Legislature – Urban News
12 public hearings in the Legislature – Urban News

Between Monday and Tuesday, 12 public hearings were held in the Buenos Aires Legislature where the appointment of authorities in the Institute of Electoral Management and filling a position of judge of First Instance in Criminal, Juvenile Criminal, Contravention and Misdemeanors were addressed. among other topics.

During the morning of Tuesday, the Board of Ethics, Agreements and Control Bodies met together with the Constitutional Affairs Commission to move forward with the appointment of the titular Director and Deputy Director of the Institute of Electoral Management of the City (IGE), an organization that carries out the elections in the City of Buenos Aires. Under the public hearing format, candidates Adrián González, a lawyer graduated from the UBA who was proposed to be Director of the City’s Electoral Management Institute, and Tomás Aguerre, to serve as Deputy Director, presented. Both gave an account of their careers, academic training and background and also answered questions from the legislators present.

The meeting was led by the head of the Board, María Luisa González Estevarena (Vamos por más) and had the support of Hernán Reyes (Vamos por más) as president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission. Legislators who make up both commissions participated, the first vice president of the Legislature, Matías López and the Minister of Justice of the City Government, Gabino Tapia.

At the end of this hearing, a second one was held, which was also led by the Board of Ethics, Agreements and Control Bodies together with the Justice Commission, to advance the process of appointing the Judge of First Instance in Criminal, Juvenile Criminal, Contravention and of fouls. Estevarena was accompanied in her role as host of the hearing by the vice president of the Justice Commission, Claudia Neira (Unión por la Patria).

The background of the candidate proposed by the Judicial Council, Ezequiel Martín Quaine, who currently works as Defender of the flagrancy area in the Public Ministry of Defense, was presented.

During these two days, various public hearings were also held by the Culture Commission, chaired by María Cecilia Ferrero (Vamos Juntos) and with Juan Pablo O’Dezaille (Unión por la Patria) as first vice president and Sandra Rey (La Libertad advances), as second vice president.

The topics discussed were various laws of the Culture Commission, such as the one sent by the Executive branch to name “Paseo Ukraine” the promenade adjacent to the monument to Taras Shevchenko, located within the general José Antonio Páez square; You name school No. 24 of DE No. 19 “Vilma de León”; the name “The corner of childhood” to the Nursery School No. 11 of DE No. 19 and to give the name “Miguel B. Sánchez” to the Middle Education school No. 3 OF No. 10. In addition, a law of the Culture and Budget commissions was addressed, on Signage of the “Fortín de Villa Luro”.

During yesterday, various public hearings were also held where the name “Pascuala Meneses” for the C DE No. 12 nucleated kindergarten was addressed; name “Julio Cortázar” to the current “Casa de la Reading” library in Villa Crespo; give the name “Elsa Bornemann” to the comprehensive kindergarten nursery school No. 9 DE 20, and name “Father Carlos Mugica” to the Vocational Training Center No. 38.

The modification of the name of the plaza “Campaña del Chaco” to “Matilde Malvina Vernet y Sáez” was also presented, an audience that included among the registered participants Mrs. Clara Vernet, descendant of Luis Vernet, first Political and Military Commander of the Malvinas Islands and adjacent to Cape Horn, who maintained the importance of commemorating the first initiative to settle Argentines in the Malvinas Islands as a country project.

These events are regulated by Law No. 6 of public hearing, which establishes an instance of participation in the administrative or legislative decision-making process in which the authority responsible for it allows an institutional space for all those who may be affected. or have a particular interest express their opinion regarding it, within the framework of the new modalities of citizen participation, which can be in person, virtual or mixed, according to what is determined by the convening authority.

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