Smoking increases the severity of respiratory diseases

Smoking increases the severity of respiratory diseases
Smoking increases the severity of respiratory diseases

Exposure to tobacco and its consumption causes alterations in the body’s natural defenses and this favors the development and severity of respiratory infections. Therefore, since the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos It is considered essential to avoid it in all its forms.

tobacco causes alterations in lung immunity and reduces the formation of antibodies, weakening the body’s natural defenses. This favors the development and severity of respiratory infections in all people, both those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD – a condition commonly associated with smoking) and healthy people.

World statistics indicate that there are 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide. In this context it is estimated that Tobacco kills around 8 million people worldwide every year and in Argentina this number is estimated at around 45,000 people..

Even according to the World Health Organization (WHO), its consumption It is the leading cause of preventable death in developed countries, and also the most important cause of years of life lost and/or lived with disability..

“Occasional smoking is considered a habit but we know that “It is a chronic, addictive disease that tends to reappear,” stated the director of Maternal, Child and Youth Health, Georgina López, based on nicotine addiction and the risk of direct exposure to mostly toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Furthermore, López indicated that “Smokers more frequently have viral and bacterial infections – pneumonia or tuberculosis – and these pathologies even tend to be more serious.”.

“People with COPD have a high risk of having complications that range from lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus,” indicated the professional and reflected: “Tobacco cessation not only reduces the risk of COPD but also the development of these coexisting diseases that impair quality of life.” Therefore, the recommendation is to promote healthy habits to avoid factors that lead to consumption that, in addition, have a direct impact on the cohabitants of the family group.

The toxins present in smoke, vapers or tobacco heaters are released when inhaled and affect both the lungs and the surrounding environment.. Thus, both conventional cigarettes and water pipes (hookahs), vapers (electronic cigarettes) or the new tobacco heaters infections can increase by many mechanisms.

“Without forgetting to highlight that it is harmful at any pediatric age, children under two years of age who breathe cigarette smoke daily in their homes are between four and six times more likely to contract or be hospitalized for bronchiolitis, “which is one of the main diseases that explains the highest percentage of pediatric consultations, referrals and hospitalizations at this time of year,” he stated. Natalia Duméreferent of the Low Acute Respiratory Infections Program (IRAB).

“We must keep in mind that “This exposure is usually more harmful in cases of premature babies, those with low weight or those with underlying diseases.” Dumé remarked and assured that There is scientific evidence that shows that smoking increases the possibility of sudden death. “Even in the case of children with these diseases, there are other risk factors such as indoor and outdoor air pollution that facilitates the appearance of respiratory infections in early childhood.”

In this context the professional he pointed: “Yes ok The toxic gases from tobacco smoke disappear after ventilation of the environments, its particles remain floating from a week to six months on surfaces and cause irritation in the airways, which makes it easier for viruses to settle there.

For this reason, he reiterated that in addition to avoiding tobacco smoke in all its forms, it is necessary to maintain prevention measures at home for this time of low temperatures: “We need there to be a daily ventilation of the environments, even in heated spaces, complete Vaccination Schedule (in pregnant women, apply the dose against Respiratory Syncytial Virus –RSV-), and it is also extremely important frequent hand washing”.

“Those who have the habit must understand that Quitting smoking not only benefits your individual health but also protects the people around you, especially the little ones.” explained the doctor, adding that “prevention and awarenessThey are powerful tools to combat the risks associated with tobacco.”.

Those who require assistance can contact the toll-free smoking cessation line: 0800-999-3040which depends on the Ministry of Health of the Nation but which in turn refers queries to each province according to the reference area.

Smoking increases the severity of respiratory diseases2024-06-012024-06-01 of Health

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