Diario La Rioja: After the amnesty

Diario La Rioja: After the amnesty
Diario La Rioja: After the amnesty

Once the amnesty law was approved with the deafening noise that was to be expected in Congress – Pedro Sánchez’s main transfer to Junts and ERC in exchange for his votes to be sworn in –, the legislature enters a new phase after the a certain paralysis that has dragged on since its beginning due to last year’s electoral marathon, which will be completed by the European elections next Sunday. Its course will be determined, above all, by the uncertain outcome of governance in Catalonia. The coalition Executive needs all the partners with whom it has articulated its precarious parliamentary majority to approve any project, so the hypothetical withdrawal of some pro-independence ally who comes out badly from the pacts for control of the Generalitat would greatly compromise its stability. The president faces the risk that, once a demand of such political weight as the erasure of crimes by the ‘procés’ has been satisfied, the secessionists – immersed in fierce competition, and Esquerra, furthermore, in an acute internal crisis after its recent debacle at the polls – feel freed to support him for longer in Moncloa or link their support to a demand as unconstitutional as a self-determination referendum. The hitherto granite block of the investiture is beginning to show cracks, extending even to Sumar’s ministers. The failure of the law against pimping and the withdrawal of the law due to lack of support as several of its partners distanced themselves have placed the PSOE in front of a disturbing mirror. In a short time it will be confirmed whether such movements respond only to the logic of the 9J battle, which would provide oxygen to the Government, or to a repositioning of these parties in the face of a possible electoral advance in the short term if Sánchez emerges strengthened from the European elections after the accolade that he received in the Catalan regional elections or due to an eventual unchecking of the independentists. With this year’s Budgets extended, the processing of the 2025 Budgets will offer clues about the path of the legislature. The uncertainty surrounding the political panorama has been exacerbated by an unforeseen factor: the judicial investigation of Begoña Gómez, the president’s wife, for alleged influence peddling and corruption in business. The development of the case, including its eventual filing, will also condition the future of the Executive in a mandate characterized by exceptionality.

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