Pío García: The last nail in the coffin of 15M

Last Thursday, 177 deputies took out the hammer, raised it with rage and sealed the coffin of 15M. In reality, the plants that had taken root on that youthful land, fertilized with dreams and projects, have long been lying on the ground, withered, lifeless. we believed which were carnivorous plants and turned out to be gladioli. Pablo Iglesias has opened a bar, Albert Rivera is involved in his business, Inés Arrimadas vanished on the trip from Barcelona to Madrid and Alberto Garzón was about to join a capitalist lobby, but social networks discouraged him. They all lived fast, died young, and left behind rather ugly corpses. Not everyone can be Jim Morrison.

When sociologists analyze the 15M phenomenon, they will discover that in that feverish amalgam of protests there was everything: officials and pensioners angry with Zapatero’s savage cuts, guys up to their necks with the audacity of the PP and its rampant corruption, citizens who demanded that Politicians will stop behaving like a caste.

Caste, that word.

There was talk then of eliminating taxation, of cutting public salaries, of putting an end to the revolving doors, of putting an end to the “privileges” of politicians, many of whom had no more merit than having risen from the youth to the ministries. rubbing the right humps. For a moment it seemed that 15M had finally opened the windows of the system and that a breath of life-giving wind was about to sweep away the old compromises.

And yet, this Thursday, in Congress, 177 deputies approved an amnesty law whose first – and perhaps only – reason was stated with stark clarity on the same election night: it was about buying seven votes for an investiture in exchange for guaranteeing impunity for a single person, Carles Puigdemont. If those votes had not been necessary, no one would have considered amnesty, which would continue to be unconstitutional, undesirable and even absurd. Rarely has the word ‘caste’ been defined in such a clear and horrifying way: some politicians saving other politicians to remain in power for a little while longer. We already had a fascinating appetizer in the last legislature, when the crime of embezzlement (embezzlement!) was retouched to reduce the criminal responsibility of some patriots who spent money from hospitals and schools in fantasy republics.

If the amnesty makes greater reconciliation possible, it will in any case be a pleasant side effect, like someone who takes Ozempic for diabetes and loses a few pounds in the process. That was never his first objective. And if one listens to the exquisite and gentle words of Miriam Nogueras or Grabriel Rufián on the platform of Congress, it does not seem that the conciliatory spirit has nestled equally in all hearts.

In short, an obscene and definitive exchange of privileges has been consummated. When one looks at the recently shrouded corpse of 15M, one cannot help but feel a certain tenderness. We were going to put an end to the arrests and we ended up granting almost medieval immunity to a fugitive! One can contemplate this succession of tricks with an amused and amazed smile, like someone watching a game of poker between gamblers, and perhaps that is the most advisable attitude, but we should not forget that it also feeds on this manure, impetuous and threatening, the poisonous hydra of the extreme right.


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