The real problem | The Rioja

The real problem | The Rioja
The real problem | The Rioja

Today, the Spanish are worried about their future, whether there will be economic stability and none will return; in case there will be political stability and there will be no problems between political parties or with nationalist demands. But the real problem, not only that of Spain but that of all first world countries is none other than the current low birth rate.

In Spain, birth rates have more than halved in less than fifty years. An average woman in Spain in 1976 had 2.65 children; In 2021 the figure has dropped to 1.19. In the rest of Europe the data is similar.

But what are the consequences that this sharp decline in birth rates can cause? Firstly, if birth rates continue similar to the current ones, the Spanish and European population would be reduced by half, because for every two parents only one individual would be born. Furthermore, the reduction in births would cause a huge economic problem because the number of people of retirement age would be much greater than the number of people of working age. Beyond other economic or political concerns, we cannot forget the real problem of Spain: the birth rate crisis.


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