To grant or not to grant the license, a pending issue since March 2023

To grant or not to grant the requested building permit… that was the question, at least one of them, that Conrado Escobar found himself with after replacing Pablo Hermoso of Mendoza as mayor at the end of last summer. Be that as it may, the new first The mayor has always adhered to the requirement of the Ministry of Culture to carry out a heritage impact study external to the Logroño City Council, which was always said to be contracted, but which has never been known. And that’s how it has been until now.

The headquarters of Bosonit, beyond on paper, has been up in the air since it practically went on public display in March 2023… after months of back and forth, from supporters and detractors about what it would mean (or not) in full heart of the city. The technology company presented the basic project of the office and residence building in the Old Town requesting a “joint construction and environmental license” for the construction of the officially baptized “high-performance center in advanced technologies.”

«We maintain support for the business project, but we continue to have doubts about the visual impact that the building will have on the environment. “It has not been processed properly,” Escobar said even before taking over the baton – although the initial approval of the specific modification of the PGM had the vote in favor of the PP, with the subsequent change of position that has been continually disfiguring him. the PSOE–.

Recreations of the highest terraces, and the building seen from the Mayor and from Puente.


Much had already been said about the Bosonit headquarters in the historic center since at the end of 2020, and after the awarding of the Marqués de San Nicolás 20 site to the company, this newspaper revealed that the complex planned by the company was being Designed by Kengo Kuma, the prestigious and famous Japanese architect – together with Javier Villar, and with an execution budget that exceeds six million euros.

The controversy, in any case, intensified after presenting the preliminary project and learning that his idea would only fit through the prior specific modification of the PGM in the municipal lands acquired for 1.54 million euros – with the commitment to establish up to 251 work contracts indefinite full-time.

The processing of the business headquarters ran aground 14 months ago, when it went on public display

Municipal technicians, such as the general director of Architecture, asked to deny the permits

The definitive modification arrived in February 2023 without the initial unanimity of April 2022 that was already blurred in the provisional one, but clearing the way for a project to which the Government of La Rioja (also with the PSOE at the head then) had already given their blessing by declaring it as of Regional Strategic Interest at the end of 2021. And Bosonit requested a license the following month with the expectation of starting works during the first half of 2023.

If the company hurried, the administration did not lack time for it to emerge that things were not going to be so fast. Thus, the general director of Architecture, Urban Regeneration and Housing of the Logroño City Council, Jesús María González Menorca, recommended denying the license to the basic office and residence project promoted by Bosonit, among other issues, due to its height and visual impact on the churches. of Palacio and San Bartolomé, in addition to its alteration of the Camino de Santiago. No response more than a year later…


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