Training, key to its detection in Primary Care

Training, key to its detection in Primary Care
Training, key to its detection in Primary Care

Sunday, June 2, 2024, 10:50

UNIR, with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Policies of the Government of La Rioja, has developed the course on prevention and management of self-harm and suicidal behavior for Primary Care healthcare personnel. Almost a hundred doctors, psychologists, nurses and assistants have participated in this online training given by Blasco himself, who has spoken of the concept of “great repeaters”, that is, “subjects who have five or more suicide attempts.” throughout their lives and who represent 10% of the people who try it.

The purpose of this course is for you to learn to identify the spectrum of suicidal and self-harming behaviors, to recognize the specific needs of special populations, to use effective communication and effective assessment tools for early case identification, or to adopt self-care strategies for caregivers. , family, friends and professionals.

Luisa Montes, a primary care doctor in Calahorra, attended this course. At her health center “an increase in self-harming behavior is observed, especially in adolescents and young people.” To what is due? The doctor points out, among other reasons, “the feeling of emptiness, also adaptation problems.” For her, the pandemic has also “had a lot of influence.” That is why she considers this type of course important to have more tools, because “we are not specifically trained in it and both detection and prevention are key.” Not only in Primary Care, but also in schools, where she sees it as relevant to give “talks and guidelines to be able to deal with stressful situations.”

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