«I have a cold and they give me an appointment in 15 days. It is a shame”

Sunday, June 2, 2024, 12:42


  1. Differences between nurses and technicians

‘El Telephone’ begins today with a criticism “of the Seris sectoral table for making so many differences between nurses and auxiliary technicians to request the career and professional development complement.” This reader also charges against the Ministry for “asking for so many points.” “We have had years of hard work to be able to take courses and request these supplements,” she denounces.

  1. Thanks to the La Rioja Library…

From library to library. María, from Logroño, wishes to “congratulate the staff of the La Rioja Library, especially the workers in the lending room for their professionalism and kindness.”

  1. …And criticism for the heat of Rafael Azcona

And Celia, on the other hand, wants to complain that the Rafael Azcona municipal library does not have air conditioning. “It is impossible to study in these conditions,” she summarizes.

  1. Tangles of cables on Sagasta Street

From the center of the capital, a reader reports that an opportunity has been lost, with the renovation of Sagasta Street, to “bury real tangles of cables in this area, which would not have represented an excessive cost.” Furthermore, he takes advantage of the call to criticize that in areas of the capital such as Gran Vía or Valcuerna “there are very small palm trees that do not offer coolness” in places covered with granite, which is why “authentic heat islands” are created.

  1. Agricultural roads closed in Ezcaray

From Ezcaray, José Luis criticizes the desire to close agricultural roads while the authorities “look the other way.” And he gives an example: «At the Valdezcaray crossing, which was the Escombrera, they are blocking the road to go to the Oja, which was the access to the meadows on the other side of the river and is the access road to the checkpoint for to clean or to intervene in a fire. And he concludes by asking that these roads, which are key in the area, be respected.

  1. María Zambrano’s containers

A reader from Logroño claims to not understand that María Zambrano’s containers are going to be moved to Bretón de los Herreros, in front of the old Courts. “It is a very big mistake that the only good thing about it is that they will not put in another terrace,” she says ironically, speaking of a “condemned pedestrian street.”

  1. «Fifteen days until a cold appointment»

From the capital, a reader charges against the Riojan health system for her case: «I have a cold and they give me an appointment in 15 days. It is a shame”.

  1. «Thanks to the Seris professionals»

Criticism of healthcare, but also gratitude, like that of Rafael, who has been operated on twice “with masterful treatment.” “Thanks to the entire San Pedro team,” he says.

  1. Trees in the median of LR-131

Also from the capital, another criticism with a suggestion included of the city’s works. In this case, on account of the intervention on the LR-131 (Mendavia highway). «I think that today’s works have to take into account the environmental impact. And in the central median they could have left an evergreen tree,” he reflects. “I think that intervention is not expensive and somewhat helps mitigate the effect of climate change,” he suggests by way of coda.

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  • The Chili Pepper

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“The evil” of removing the bark from a tree

“It seems that they had decided to go for the largest and most beautiful tree, a banana tree, in the Plaza 1º de Mayo in Logroño,” says a reader. “Who can have so much malice, bad intention, resentment and desire to do gratuitous damage to what belongs to everyone by removing the bark from this tree?” He asks, because he knows that this will cause the specimen to die. «What is someone doing carrying a knife or razor? A danger to others », he concludes.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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