A subject was driving a stolen car and was detained by the Police in Godoy Cruz

A subject was driving a stolen car and was detained by the Police in Godoy Cruz
A subject was driving a stolen car and was detained by the Police in Godoy Cruz

The driver was immediately detained.

Pergamino and Salavina godoy cruz.png

Corner of Pergamino and Salavina streets, in the Solidaridad neighborhood. There the police arrested the driver of a Volkswagen Fox car that had been stolen and used, in turn, to rob.

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Police chase in Godoy Cruz

Around 8:30 this Saturday, June 1, a cell phone from the Mendoza Police was patrolling on Pergamino Street, belonging to the Solidarity Neighborhood, in the aforementioned department.

While guarding the streets, police officers detected a black Volkswagen Fox brand car, domain name INC-214, cYour driver had, according to the information issued by the Mendoza Police, a suspicious attitude.

As soon as he detected police mobile, the driver of the Fox accelerated his pace. However, the police went after him and ended up intercepting him on Pergamino Street between Salavina and Concordia.

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The car was wanted for robbery and aggravated robbery.

Once they managed to deactivate the driver, they verified the control of the vehicle through the CEO, and there it was found that he had a pending measure for Robbery and Aggravated Theft.

Contact was made with the Prosecutor’s Office of Introduction 24 of Robbery and Theft, who ordered that the apprehended driver be placed at the disposal of the Investigative Prosecutor’s Office No. 24, the vehicle be seized and transferred to the custody of the Police Station No. 50 and that Cientifica personnel carry out investigation tasks in the vehicle in search of fingerprints that may be related to the fact investigated.


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