Bullrich comes to Mendoza with holy water, Hebe plays a plenary session and Cornejo crosses his fingers

Bullrich comes to Mendoza with holy water, Hebe plays a plenary session and Cornejo crosses his fingers
Bullrich comes to Mendoza with holy water, Hebe plays a plenary session and Cornejo crosses his fingers


Patricia Bullrich will take the opportunity to show herself with Hebe Casado and her people in Mendoza in a game where a picture is worth a thousand words.

Source: Instagram

Mauricio Macri supports the Lujanino and benches him in many, even in the challenge of staying with the party in Mendoza. Cornejo looks at that intern out of the corner of his eye and cannot say anything in public but he is clear about what he would prefer to happen. Casado from San Rafael is very clever at being noticed, a political virtue that not everyone has and that many call mischief.

The uncertainty of the game that will open next year with the libertarians on the lookout worries the governor. Patricia Bullrich will arrive in the province to chair a meeting of the Internal Security Council but will also take advantage to show up with Casado and his people in a game where a picture is worth a thousand words.

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History of breakups and intrigues

Lourdes Arrieta jumped from “who knows you” to fame for walking around the National Congress with a duck on her head. His desire to attract attention gave him a few minutes on the national network but The objective of the libertarian representative is pretentious: she plays to position herself in Mendoza as a reference for Milei’s party if the poll star pursues them.

Nothing will be rosy in their path, the history of the breakups and internal bitterness in Mendoza from ’83 to date is enough to write a book. For example a button, The candidacy of Anabel Fernández Sagasti suited radicalism like a glove every time they faced each other. And even Many non-K Peronist leaders mocked her by saying that she was “Cornejo’s candidate.”. The Peronist boys always had plenty of irony.

It is known that Fernández Sagasti politically and financially supports militant groups that descend on the most populous neighborhoods of the province but He is not a figure that manages to bring together the gaze and interest of voters, at least of the majorities.. She has known it for a while but internally she continues – or continued – to fall for her.

Lourdes Arrieta

The national representative for Mendoza, Lourdes Arrieta, joined this week in the viral fashion of wearing a yellow duck on her head.

Arrieta must first of all know the province, walk it. This is a territory full of difficulties. with remote places and small towns far from urban areas, places where the duck on the head does not have much effect and where the reality of everyday life hits harshly. Sagasti could not seduce the electorate in 20 years, We will see how Milei’s queen moves on the board in Mendoza.

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The mystique that everyone wants and the accommodations

The central theme of the matter is seduction and the lasting effect that it brings with it. The PJ – even on the floor – is always an alternative, it is a threat and it is an option for power. Celso Jaque was K and will be remembered as a governor who achieved what no one would have imagined: he was succeeded by another Peronist, Francisco Perez.

There are two versions about his nomination as a candidate. One relates that the internal movement of Jaque’s government, in which Pérez was a minister, put him at the top of the blessed; another entangles “Paco” in the intention of the government of Cristina Fernández, especially the wing of Julio De Vido, to advance with metal mining in Mendoza, something that Pérez praised. The failure.

Pérez was the last Peronist governor of Mendoza and left a province in debt. He is the only living former governor who is very rare to see publicly.

Paco Perez-Celso Jaque.jpg

Celso Jaque was K and will be remembered as a governor who achieved what no one would have imagined: he was succeeded by another Peronist, Francisco Pérez.

In 2023, Omar Parisi, a former Democratic Party affiliate and former mayor of Luján de Cuyo He stayed with the Peronist internal, taking first place from an authentically Peronist formula made up of former Kirchnerist Guillermo Carmona and San Rafael national representative Liliana Paponet. A paradox only explainable by confusion.

Lucas Ilardo carved strong there with Peronist territorial power in the North that always accompanied Sagasti but that He could never cross Greater Mendoza.

The foundation of Kirchnerism was the improvement in purchasing power with credit and tangible subsidies for the most vulnerable classes. It may seem hard to believe but It is the formula that Milei would be trying out, seeking to enter the province of Buenos Aires to lift the wounded left by the PJ with Daniel Scioli driving the ambulance..

While it is debated whether the social benefits of Kirchnerism were real or an optical illusion, The poverty rates are alarming but poverty would be much more unequal without AUH or other social plans. The President criticizes the State but has not cut any of those benefits that, to a large extent, keep him in power.

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