91% of the homes for sale in La Rioja meet the requirements of the ICO guarantees

91% of the homes for sale in La Rioja meet the requirements of the ICO guarantees
91% of the homes for sale in La Rioja meet the requirements of the ICO guarantees


Three out of every four homes that are currently for sale in Spain meet the maximum price limit to buy it with the ICO line of guarantees that the Government has launchedaccording to the supply of housing to buy available in the Fotocasa real estate portal. A figure that It increases to more than nine out of ten in the case of La Rioja.

Thus, according to the analysis of the current offer, it is observed that 75.3% of the homes for sale would meet the maximum price limit to acquire it with the ICO guarantee, taking into account the price limits set for each community.

If all the Autonomous Communities are analyzed in detail, it is observed that Castilla-La Mancha is the community in Spain that has the highest percentage of supply that fits within the maximum limits for the purchase of housing with the guarantee.

Specifically, 94% of the offer for sale that is now in Castilla-La Mancha would fall within the limit of 250,000 euros. It is followed by La Rioja which, with the same limit of €250,000, has 91% of the offer that would meet the requirements to access the guarantee.

In third position with the highest percentage of housing is Aragón, which also has a somewhat higher limit to buy a home, in this case 275,000 euros, and the available supply within this range is 90%. .

At the other extreme, the Balearic Islands is the community that has the smallest number of offers that would fall within the limits. Specifically, it is 45% of the current housing supply that would fall within the maximum limit of 275,000 euros to be able to purchase thanks to the ICO guarantees.

It is followed by the Community of Madrid, which with a limit of 325,000 euros has 67% of the offer that meets the requirements. And in third position with the lowest number of offers that meet the requirements is Andalusia, where 68% of the homes sold would fall within the limit of 225,000 euros.

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