Chronology of the story of Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki

Chronology of the story of Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki
Chronology of the story of Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki

1969: Jesús Vicente, his brother Luis Miguel and Joaquín form Treblinca, which performs on August 14

1970: Jesús Vicente and Luis Miguel Aguirre form La Barranca, delving into North American folk and protest songs

1971: after the performance of La Barranca and Nuevas Voces (folk group made up of two girls and three boys) in January at La Enseñanza, the group Rebaño Feliz, with Carmen Medrano, was born from the union of both; Among other performances, the one on December 25 at the Caja Provincial Festival is remembered

1972: Rebaño Feliz closes the morning festival on April 2 in Dólar; and also performs on December 25 at the Bretón Theater

1973: Jesús Vicente Aguirre and Carmen Medrano leave Rebaño Feliz and form Armonía Rota with other additions; They made their debut at the Borgia and after the summer they continued as a duo under the name Double Imagen; Armonía Rota and Rebaño Feliz share the stage again at the Riojan Artistic Society to perform a musical adaptation of César Vallejo’s poems.

1974-1975: In March Carmen and Jesús decide to leave Spain and dedicate themselves professionally to singing; They settled in Paris and began touring Europe sharing stages with singer-songwriters like Paco Ibáñez and Imanol; In London they make a friendship with Joaquín Sabina that will last over time; in Italy they participate in events of the Communist Party; With a repertoire of committed songs, they perform in Geneva, Avignon and Brussels and participate in the Andorra Festival (along with Ramón Muntaner), or in emigrant centers in countries like Germany, where they are called by a family group called Despertar, to which belongs to a young Iñaki Ramos, who will end up joining them in the definitive trio Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki

1976: After Franco’s death, Carmen and Jesús return to Spain, stopping in Barcelona, ​​where they record a demo with the title Don’t get tired, mate; They do their first performance in Logroño before Iñaki arrives; On October 12 they perform in a memorable concert at Escolapios; Sabina comes to play in Logroño with them; The political significance of the trio is turning it into an autonomist symbol without escaping altercations with authority such as the one that inspires The Ballad of San Asensio

1977: the desire for freedom throughout Spain becomes in La Rioja a demand for autonomy and Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki are a popular banner that pulls the cart from the street; They recorded their first LP, De Monday to Saturday, with the Movieplay label, with the collaboration of Sabina and the help of Chema Purón from La Rioja; The album includes the pre-autonomous anthem La Riojaexists; in Madrid, on October 26, they play at the La Rioja week organized by the Riojano Collective at the Colegio Mayor San Juan Evangelista and during their performance they wave the four-color flag for the first time

1978: the episode of the flag is already reproduced in La Rioja on July 26 in Huércanos, while the trio sings on a trailer someone in the audience displays it almost clandestinely; On October 8, the First Day of La Rioja is celebrated in Nájera and Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki sing before thousands of people La Rioja begins to walk, another hymn; by then the flags flood everything

1979: the second album, Iregua, is released; The trio performs for the last time in Logroño at Maristas with Víctor Manuel and Ana Belén before going abroad again; Carmen begins to feel sick in London and worsens in Paris. Back home, on June 2 she dies at the Clavijo Clinic after undergoing surgery for peritonitis; On July 1 she receives a massive posthumous tribute in the Bullring of Logroño with Sabina, Imanol, La Bullonera…; Jesús and Iñaki continue with the name Iregua for a few months, but end up leaving music

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