They stole a motorcycle, tried to sell it and the police prevented it

They stole a motorcycle, tried to sell it and the police prevented it
They stole a motorcycle, tried to sell it and the police prevented it

Two men stole a Corven Energy 110 cc motorcycle last Monday, May 27, and in the early hours of Sunday morning tried to sell it, but the police managed to intervene to recover the motorcycle.

14:11 | Sunday June 2, 2024 | La Rioja, Argentina | Fenix ​​Multiplatform

Last Monday, May 27, a Corven Energy 110 cc motorcycle was stolen and this Sunday it was recovered after a police procedure.

According to police sources, two men identified as “Tordo” and Rodrigo Paez were in charge of trying to sell the motorcycle on Homero Coronel Montes Avenue and Jorge Agüero Street, but they did not succeed after a police chase.

After the men saw the police, they decided to abandon the motorcycle and flee, so the vehicle was recovered.

After what happened, the woman decided to file a complaint immediately. As the hours passed, the troops managed to recover the motorcycle.


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