“Against Oblivion: Stories of Resistance”, the series that seeks to contribute to historical memory | Declared of Provincial Interest in La Rioja

“Against Oblivion: Stories of Resistance”, the series that seeks to contribute to historical memory | Declared of Provincial Interest in La Rioja
“Against Oblivion: Stories of Resistance”, the series that seeks to contribute to historical memory | Declared of Provincial Interest in La Rioja

The Serie Against Oblivion: Stories of Resistance It was declared of Provincial Interest by the Chamber of Deputies of La Rioja on May 23.

The series, which consists of nine episodes – and a second season is already being considered – seeks contribute to historical memory, truth and justice to be able to understand and know why Never Again.

In dialogue with 750, its director, Ismael Fuentes Navarrostated that the documentary was born from a “pedagogical” idea, due to discussions that re-emerge on issues that were already believed to be “settled.”

“We thought that there were already discussions that were settled but In recent times they have been discussed, especially among youth.that’s why it seemed to us that we had to retell these stories“said the director.

And he added: “We began to work so that the story could be told firsthand and for survivors to do so.

According to its creators, Against Oblivion: Stories of Resistance “seeks to contribute and redouble efforts in this area of ​​memory, truth and justice, In these times, there is a climate of denialism and vindication of the genocide that happened in the 70sso it is important that we listen to each other and tell what happened in our province, because by telling what happened in the province, we are also telling what happened in our country.”

In this sense, the director of the documentary maintains that “a denialist discourse began in Macrismo, first with the questioning of the number of missing people and now, with the government of La Libertad Avanza, directly demanding“, so, although “in La Rioja there have been (human rights) movements and they have generated a very important awareness, then there was this thing of not doing pedagogy again about what happened, thinking that the issue was already settled” .


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