The female transition to a male body – Publimetro Chile

The female transition to a male body – Publimetro Chile
The female transition to a male body – Publimetro Chile

It’s like being born again. This is how plastic surgeon Monserrat Fontbona explains the reaction of women who feel like men and undergo a surgical procedure to achieve a more masculine body. In interview with Advertising meter, explains in great detail everything you need to know when making the momentous decision that will change your life.

-What does masculinization surgery consist of and what procedures does it include?

They are all surgical processes aimed at body and facial adjustment to the male gender, they can be performed on male transsexual patients and also non-binary patients, includes facial surgery and procedures, mastectomy, masculinization of the thorax, as well as the trunk and arms, and also genital surgeries to achieve a masculine appearance in various parts of the body

-How has interest in this surgery evolved over the years?

Over the years, patients, both transgender and binary, have increased visibility in our society. Thanks to the new sources of information available (social networks, internet, etc.)Patients have increasing access to this information and that means they know more and more about different surgical and non-surgical alternatives in order to achieve this adaptation to the male gender, which is what they want and that means that they consult more for different types of surgeries, which were previously performed very little or not at all.

-Could you share with us a case that shows how masculinization surgery can change a patient’s life?

I have a patient who had been living as a trans masculine for a long time, he had a stable partner for a long time, with whom he wanted to marry, however, he had a large breast volume, which prevented him from dressing and feeling comfortable with his body and What she wanted most was to marry her partner, being able to wear an elegant suit, in which she felt very good and in line with her male gender identity. I removed her breasts, she had a very good result and at one point she wrote to me to tell me that she chose the same day as her surgery (a year later) to get married, He told me that a year ago he was being born in a different way, the way he really wanted to be and feel, so for him that day was a way to commemorate the birth of this new life.

I am very excited to remember this story, I remember that He sent me a photo of that wonderful day dressed in a suit, a suit and a jacket, and his beautiful wife dressed as a bride, both very happy and having been able to realize his dream, which was to marry his wife with a masculine appearance. with which he had always felt identified, it was very exciting to share that beautiful moment from a distance with the beautiful photos he sent me and for him to remember me on the most important day of his life, he was very grateful that I was part of that transformation that allowed him to achieve the most desired desire of his life

-What effect have you observed in the patients’ families, after undergoing this type of masculinization procedures?

What I have observed is that there is a feeling of joy, of incredible emotion, that this long process that has often been the desire of a lifetime, culminates with a surgery that generates a change that for the patients is to return to birth, and that is also shared by families, couples, parents, siblings, all the people who have been part of this process, for whom this path has also entailed great learning, so what happens is that both the patient and those around him, feel immensely happy, fulfilled and very grateful for the work we do together with my team, so that the result is the best possible, since we take care of every moment of the process with great love and dedication and we feel that deep gratitude for having managed to give them something that they wanted all their lives

-How do these types of surgeries affect the self-esteem and emotional well-being of patients?

This type of surgery affects self-esteem in a very positive way. and the well-being and the way in which they begin to live their life, the patients project themselves as very proud of being who they are and of everything they have gone through in their life to reach this moment, they feel comfortable when dressing, they stand differently, They have a different attitude, because they no longer hide from life, but rather begin to live life as they are.

Could you describe the emotional process that patients go through before and after surgery?

It is a very intense and often very long process., which begins by knowing and accepting themselves and looking for a way to see how they feel and perceive themselves and in that context the volume of the breasts is a very important limitation for their personal, work, social life, etc. and It is incredible how once they are operated on, even from the moment the surgery ends and the patients wake up from the anesthesia and know that they no longer have their breasts, many times the emotion is so strong that the patients cry leaving the ward.for the happiness of feeling that they have the body they always dreamed of having.

After surgery they feel much more confident about themselves, They dare to undertake new options in different areas of life, some change jobs, others decide to do things they had never done before. As a couple, they project themselves and feel different, they feel absolutely comfortable and satisfied with who they are and that their body reflects it as well.

Masculinization in Chile

-What types of masculinization procedures are available and what specifically do they include?

There are surgical or non-surgical procedures, On the face, facial fillers and surgeries can be performed that give a masculine appearance to the cheekbones, chin and jaw; on the breasts, mastectomy surgery (breast removal) can be performed. but in my case I mean talking about thoracic masculinization, since I worry that both the breasts and the thorax look masculine from the point of view of the scars, shape and size of the pectoral muscles, nipple areolas, that the lateral areas of the thorax look more masculine, removing curves and lately I have also incorporated the masculinization of the arms and the back and back, that is, injecting fat into the pectoral, trapezius and deltoid muscles, so that the entire appearance of the upper trunk is more masculine.

There are also genital surgeries aimed at eliminating all female features of the genitals and creating male genital organs, and surgeries such as hysterectomy are also added, so that patients stop having an internal female appearance, which for our patients is the most Importantly, stop being a woman.

-How do you ensure that the results of surgery meet patients’ expectations?

The most important thing for me is, in a first consultation, to dedicate all my time and attention to the patients, to get to know them, to know what they do, who they live with, what they want, to explain the different steps of the surgery, possible risks. and complications, explain what I can get and what I can’t, where the scars are going to go, what the subsequent management will be like and on the other hand, always manage all the issues with my team of professionals, including nurses, assistants, kinesiologists, paramedics, so that patients feel welcomed at all times, feel cared for and accompanied in each phase of the process, so that the final result is the best possible both from a physical and emotional point of view.

Another point that is also very important for me is to always be present, accompanying and welcoming my patients at all times, whether in person or via WhatsApp or telephone, since I feel that being present in each phase is what really marks the difference, we must understand that depending on each case the process will require different actions at different stages and the idea is that this is a pleasant process that they live gradually so that when the time comes to see the final result they feel happy and very satisfied

-What are the most common challenges faced by patients seeking to undergo masculinization surgery?

The most common challenges are several, the first is having a support network from the point of view of family or their environment, which accompanies them and gets involved in this process and supports them, the second challenge is being able to access the options surgical or non-surgical procedures that they wish to undergo, since although there are currently more instances to be able to manage these patients, there is still a significant wait, especially in public hospitals to be able to perform the surgical procedures that they want, and that also generates a significant level of anxiety, stress or even depression in patients, because many times the possibility is not so close and they must wait a long time, or in other cases it simply does not occur

Another no small challenge is being able to comply with the different exams, steps and indications as quickly as possible to be able to comply with all the requirements needed to perform the surgery.

-Where do you think the field of masculinization surgery is headed in terms of techniques and technology?

Plastic surgery is an area that is in constant development and advancement and masculinization surgery is part of this as well. In the case of the latter, we use all the surgical techniques that we learn as plastic surgeons, techniques for using grafts, flaps, liposuction, lipo injection and along with this, in my case I have been incorporating all the advanced technologies that allow me to achieve a better result

-What advice would you give to those considering masculinization surgery?

The first thing is to look for a certified plastic surgeon, a specialist professional who has theoretical and practical knowledge and experience in all areas of plastic surgery, since a lot of knowledge of general plastic surgery is applied here, which is very important. that the doctor manages properly and that is usually achieved with a certified plastic surgeon

Another important point is that the patient tells the doctor about any pathology or circumstance of his medical life and can take the opportunity to talk with his doctor and resolve all his doubts (explain the possible risks and complications). time to take care of the details of this surgery step by step without rushing, since in this way any inconvenience that may arise is resolved in the best way without complications before arriving at the surgery.

Finally, a fundamental point is the fact that the surgery is performed in an accredited and certified place so that the patient feels that they are undergoing this surgery that is so important for their life with all the security and protection that their case requires.

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