They denounce that Maule students received meatless farmers for Student Day

They denounce that Maule students received meatless farmers for Student Day
They denounce that Maule students received meatless farmers for Student Day

A surprising event occurred in different municipal schools in the Maule Regionwhere students received a special chacarero sandwich menu as part of Student Daybut this It didn’t have meat.

As stated The latest newswhat happened was reported by the deputy Felipe Donoso (UDI), who criticized the company Fedir Chile SPA and the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (Junaeb) for delivering what, he pointed out, “is not a lunch.”

Specifically, the typical sandwich consists of: meat, green beans and tomato. However, what was given to the students was: a bread with a little green beans and a slice of tomato. This, accompanied by yogurt for dessert.

“In some schools, indeed, the bread came with the meat, but in several it did not,” explained the parliamentarian, who assured that the complaints came to him from Curicó, Talca, San Rafael and others.

Donoso reported that some schools asked the food handlers not to deliver the plate on Thursday, due to the small amount of food, and it would be better to deliver it on Friday, so that “since there was little, “The students could eat and go home to feed themselves again.”.

In response to the accusation, Junaeb responded to the parliamentarian that “the School Feeding Program (PAE) is executed by private companies that are awarded contracts through public tenders. Where communities can count on a special menu once a year that is different of the regular minutes”.

However, Donoso clarified that the company Fedir Chile, in charge of school feeding, “has had several complications and fines and they are still there, and the Junaeb justifies them.”

Likewise, the deputy received a call from the National Director of Junaeb, Camila Rubio, who told him that they were going to begin inspection processes. But, later, the organization explained that the situation could occur once a year, because it was a special menu.

“The versions are not very credible and The issue is not that it is a special meal, but that it is insufficient, that it does not even have the quality described by the concessionaire.“said Donoso.

And he added that “that is serious because the food provided by Junaeb is the most important because the children who go to those schools are from humble families and those are the meals they receive during the week.”

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