The Cusiana road and the Sisga transversal remain closed

The Cusiana road and the Sisga transversal remain closed
The Cusiana road and the Sisga transversal remain closed

This Sunday the two main roads that connect Boyacá with Casanare remain closed.

This is km 83+600 on the Cusiana transversal, which keeps the road closed. Photo: private archive

Although on Saturday night the Cusiana transversal was reopened at km 83+600, on Sunday morning it was closed again due to falling material in this sector.

“The weather conditions in the sector are not improving,” they explained at the National Highway Institute (Invías). Material removal work continues.

Meanwhile, the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) reported that, due to the slide of rock material and loss of bench caused by high rainfall in recent hours, the total closure of the Sisga transversal, between the municipalities of Macanal, is maintained. and Santa María in Boyacá (sector between km 27+750 and km 45+200).

There is still no estimated opening date due to total loss of bench at km 34+500 on this road that connects the departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá and Casanare.

“In joint work with the Sisga Transversal Concession, removal and cleaning work is being carried out, however, the rains, fall and dragging of hillside material continue,” they indicated in ANI.

They added that information continues to be provided to users and the community in general through the communication channels available to the concessionaire, such as: social network variable messaging.

The closing control points for user safety are: km 27+750, access to the municipality of Macanal, and km 45+200, access to the municipality of Santa María, where concessionaire personnel remain 24 hours a day.

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