The change of regime for Nursing graduates that confronts AMPROS with the Government

The change of regime for Nursing graduates that confronts AMPROS with the Government
The change of regime for Nursing graduates that confronts AMPROS with the Government

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The president of the Senate Health Commission, Abel Freidemberg, spoke with UNO and defended the Executive’s intention to “privilege the human resources needed by the health systemabove the offer.”

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President of the Health Commission in the Senate, Abel Freidemberg.

Freidemberg clarified that the changes seek to ensure that nursing professionals who are in regime 15 go to regime 27, not because they obtain a degree but because a contest is opened or because they manage to integrate into teams in critical areas.

The defense of changes in the functions of Nursing graduates

“I speak as a doctor and as a legislator. Human resources in health are being honest. The reality is that many nursing professionals continued their studies and today are licensed, but the State has the right, like any other employer, to fill positions based on the needs of the system,” he stated his position.

And he clarified: “They can continue training, which is very valid and necessary, but the system requires that a certain quota of nurses continue in primary care areas integrating the teams, but not everyone should be the one to lead it. “There will be some who manage, as the contests open.”

A reality of public hospitals is that nurses work a greater workload than those who work in administration areas and are under regime 27.

When asked if the State will generate savings in this limit of moving to a higher hierarchy and salaries, the former candidate for mayor of San Rafael responded: “It will not necessarily be a saving but a correct allocationwhere resources are needed most.”

And he highlighted that “there is a lack of nurses. I repeat that Not everyone should lead teams, “but we also need those who are in the trenches, such as in health centers, among other areas.”

The functions of nursing graduates are regulated

According to the Executive’s explanation, with this project The specific functions of Nursing graduates are established who practice their profession in the provincial territory. And the competitions will be set by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

When the project was put to a vote, it was accompanied by 20 votes in favor and 17 against, so it must now be dealt with by the Chamber of Deputies.

According to sources from Rodolfo Montero’s portfolio, they seek to create the necessary conditions to guarantee personalized and risk-free nursing care at different levels of the health system. Among the specific functions established by law include the management of nursing services, the planning and evaluation of health projects, the design of hygiene and safety programs at work.among others.

In addition, it is established that Nursing graduates must perform all those functions permitted to Professional Nurses and Nursing Auxiliaries. The certification of the functions will be issued by the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Health and Sports, and the regulation of the law will be in charge of the same ministry within a maximum period of 60 days from its promulgation.

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AMPROS carries out days of struggle in front of the Legislature.

AMPROS pointed out that the project destroys the careers of nurses

The union secretary of AMPROS, Rodrigo Dominguez, He raised his voice against the project that establishes the functions of Nursing graduates and recalled that the transfer of graduates from regime 15 to 27, “on previous occasions It was achieved judicially, not it should have been.”

“What this proposal does is to destroy the career of the nursing graduate. It limits the title and says that those with more training should only perform management tasks or perform intensive therapy. Today, the graduate who is in a health center also offers better services by having more training,” she questioned.

With these modifications, as analyzed by AMPROS, it will become more difficult to access a higher hierarchy already better paid positions, “because now it will be Human Resources that is going to decide.”

And he shot: “We are going to make the necessary presentations before Justice. There is a restriction on the work area of ​​the lGraduated in Nursing only to closed and more complex servicesbeing that currently there is the largest amount of this resource, in these services, as well as in primary carehealth posts, hospitalization and hospital outpatient clinics.” And he added, “such a limitation would further affect the deficit of these professionals in different placessince they provide services at all levels of health care.

The modifications will also be counterproductive to the exodus to the private sector, they warned from the union that brings together Health professionals.

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