Buenos Aires denounces that the Nation owes it $5.8 billion

Buenos Aires denounces that the Nation owes it $5.8 billion
Buenos Aires denounces that the Nation owes it $5.8 billion

In the middle of the fight between Axel Kicillof and Javier Mileithe Province of Buenos Aires assured this Monday that the Nation maintains a debt of $5.8 billion with the district and denounced a “deliberate and systematic plan of financial and economic asphyxiation” by the administration of La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

The Buenos Aires government presented data on the transfers and funds paralyzed by the libertarian management, and claimed that “they return the funds that correspond to the people of Buenos Aires to have better access to education and health.”

Province demands funds from the Nation

When analyzing the indices, in La Plata they detailed that The Casa Rosada owes $1,270,605 million in direct debts, which include transfers from ANSES to the provincial treasury, the Municipal Fiscal Strengthening (FOFOFI), the Teaching Incentive (FONID), and the Compensation of Public Passenger Transport by Urban Motor Vehicles in the interior; among others.

As to Public Worksthat amount amounts to $4,463,230 million, and includes the PROCREAR and Casa Propia programs; works in schools, hospitals, routes, ports and industrial parks; sanitation of open dumps; and the Penitentiary Infrastructure Plan; among others.

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On the other hand, the Buenos Aires administration calculated a debt of $26,777 million due to the discontinuity or delays of national programs such as FINES, Conectar Igualdad and Potenciar Trabajo, among others.

The figure is completed with a debt of $73,539 million for the School Food Service (SAE) and the Extraordinary Module for Food Security (MESA), among others.

Province debts.jpg

“Within the framework of a deliberate and systematic plan of financial and economic asphyxiation carried out by the national government on the people of the province of Buenos Aires, through different cuts, adjustments and elimination of non-automatic transfers, we request that the funds be returned funds that correspond to the people of Buenos Aires to have better access to education and health,” they denounced.

Last week, given the growing complaints from the governors due to lack of funds, the new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, gave some details on the matter.

As Ámbito anticipated, Francos stated that the Government does not frown upon transferring paralyzed public works to the provinces. However, he warned that he will not back down with the dissolution of the Interior Compensation Fund, which regulated subsidies for public transportation and, consequently, the price of the ticket.

Request to Minister Sandra Pettovello

For his part, the Minister of Development of the Buenos Aires Community, Andres Larroquestated that “poverty numbers have skyrocketed since December 10, 2023” and highlighted that the Province makes an annual investment in food of $842,896 million.

“In the provincial government there is no discretion, there is transparency and concern, that is why we ask Minister Pettovello to give answers: it has been six months of management, please assist us,” the official claimed.


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