Closes in Sancti Spíritus X La Guayabera Technology Fair 5.10 › Culture › Granma

Closes in Sancti Spíritus X La Guayabera Technology Fair 5.10 › Culture › Granma
Closes in Sancti Spíritus X La Guayabera Technology Fair 5.10 › Culture › Granma

With the objective of honoring the town of Yayabo on its 510th birthday, the X La Guayabera 5.10 Technology Fair was held in Sancti Spíritus. Exhibitions of products and services from the state and private sectors, as well as presentations of research with practical results, took over these days at the Casa de la Guayabera, host par excellence of the event, the only one in the country to unify technologies and culture.

Other institutions close to the place, such as the garage of the Colonial Art Museum and the House of Musical Promotions, were also sub-venues for the event with cultural and technological activities.

The award for best stand to PC master was awarded for the third time to the non-state sector and the territorial Division of Etecsa. The best experience award in this case went to Yayaberos 510, an extension project from the University of Sancti Spíritus José Martí that invites fourth-year students of the Social Communication degree to materialize their knowledge in the digital scenario.

Another award was in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) section, for the editorial convergence of the multiplatform Radio Sancti Spíritus for the creation of Rosalba, an avatar named in homage to the musical piece by Miguel Companioni.

The final gala was performed by the Failde orchestra, who, with a wide repertoire of Cubanism and tradition, made the entire audience of the Sancti Spiritus house dance.


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