The Atlas project is presented at the Casa de Salta

The Atlas project is presented at the Casa de Salta
The Atlas project is presented at the Casa de Salta

AtlaS is an initiative of Galería Eventual, with the accompaniment of the Secretariat of Culture of Salta, which seeks to increase the visibility of the work of Salta artists beyond provincial limits. This travel experience is a fundamental instance in artistic training, so one of the gallery’s objectives is to create new scenarios of action both nationally and internationally. The opening of the exhibition will take place on June 6 at 6:00 p.m. hours at Roque Sáenz Peña 933, CABA.

In this first instance, an exhibition of seventeen artists will be presented at the Casa de Salta in Buenos Aires. The selected artists are: Calu Booth, Tatiana Papi, Fernando Belton, Sergio Díaz, Abel Cruz, Doll Quin, Jorge González, Pini Day, Tomás Mencacci, Caroline de Chaunac, Heber Artaza, Esteban Quiroga, Mili D’Aiello, Javier Torres, Mauri Molina, Rochi Ortiz and Pablo Manríquez. It is curated by Hernán Ulm and Roly Arias.

The name AtlaS alludes both to the place name of the province of Salta and to the works of the German theorist Aby Warburg. For Warburg, faced with the History of Art that builds a linear and progressive story in which the works are explained according to a chronological principle and that he considers them as expressions of a unique style of an era, it is necessary to build a Memory of images. This memory, which Warburg called Atlas, holds the weight of the world on its back and expresses the energetic forces that construct the conflictive space of culture and the present. This memory is discontinuous and takes into consideration not the notions of taste, but the forces that are present in the images.

In this sense, the exhibition brings together a set of images that construct the diaspora that configures the map of the present, covering the divergences and reworkings of the past in which they are situated.


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