Temporary rentals were regulated in Neuquén: what to know before booking

Temporary rentals in Neuquén are now regulated by a law that the provincial deputies approved, at the proposal of Governor Rolando Figueroa. After several comings and goings in the debate, in the session of May 23, the rule was sanctioned, which establishes a series of requirements for hosts and seeks prevent tourists from falling into scams through digital platforms such as Booking or Airbnb or social networks.

Law 3440 covers all properties intended for short-term accommodation, that is, renting units for housing for a period of time. minimum period of one overnight stay and up to a maximum of 30 days.

The first regulation that the text introduces is that all accommodations must be registered in the Provincial Public Registry of Short-Term Accommodations by the Ministry of Tourism. There the owners must confirm, as a sworn statement, that the property has facilities and gas and electricity appliances in good condition of operation; which has the essential safety and hygiene elements; and that is available to guests, in a visible place, a evacuation plan bookletif applicable, and emergency telephone numbers.

If the owner registers in the Registry, he automatically receives a certificate of registration, which
It must be made available to guests so that they know that they are renting a proper apartment or cabin.

That registration number must be displayed «in all reservations, communications, advertising, marketing platforms, consultation sites, social networks, web pages, brochures, online and/or written media, audiovisual, radio and in any other promotional or communication methodology in which the unit is offered as short-term accommodation.

That is, since the implementation of this law, in digital platforms such as Booking or Airbnb must include the registration number so that those who are looking for temporary renters know that it is a safe offer.

The law prohibits publications in any media of offers for properties intended for short-term accommodation that do not have this record of registration.

It also includes a sanctions regime with warnings, fines and suspensions for those who fail to comply with the rule.

Temporary rental holders will have a period of 180 days from the entry into force of the law to adapt, Therefore, the implementation of the registry will not be immediate. The Executive will also have 90 days to regulate the law.

Temporary rentals: how other countries regulated

Temporary rentals and their impact on residents, mainly in tourist cities, are a problem in Neuquén and many cities around the world. That is why there are several countries that have already issued regulations to regulate them, with different strategies.

In NYowners must share temporary accommodation with their guests. Paris limits the number of rental days to 120 per year. Berlin limits the second residence to a maximum rental of 90 days a year and Portugal stopped granting new licenses for Airbnb and other similar vacation rentals, except in rural areas. In Londonhosts of this application can only rent their property for 90 nights or less per year, without requesting a change of use, as published by Ámbito in a 2023 report.

Similar regulations are found in Tokyo, California and Sydney.

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