Equality Seal in Chaco and Sustainability Workshop in Chubut

The Undersecretary of Tourism of the Nation carries out training programs to strengthen and develop the value chain of tourism services. On this occasion, technical assistance sessions were held Endurance (Chaco), Gaiman and Trelew (Chubut).

The workshop on inequality in the world of work and gender-based violence. The activity promotes equal opportunities for all people and the elimination of various forms of violence to achieve the implementation of the Equality Sealframed within the Argentine Tourism Quality System.

The training was carried out at the Provincial Tourism Office of the Democracy Park and had the participation of representatives of the tourism sectorsuch as accommodation, gastronomy, travel and tourism companies, national parks, rural establishments and public tourism organizations of Resistance, Great Resistance and Miraflores.

This initiative reflects the commitment of the tourism sector in promoting values ​​of equality and respect for all people. The implementation included individual technical assistance on May 29, 30 and 31 to provide specific recommendations to each attending organization.

Furthermore, and with the aim of contributing to the local tourism planningand after establishing the bases for comprehensive management, the implementation of the Tourism Management and Innovation Directive for municipalities in the towns of Gaiman and Trelew.

Local tourism teams, the private sector and the local community participated to prepare the methodological proposal of the strategic plan of each destinationby defining objectives and deadlines, and the investment opportunities manual for each location.


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