Central Ciudad Caracas, from Lajas, becomes the largest producer in the country › Cuba › Granma

Central Ciudad Caracas, from Lajas, becomes the largest producer in the country › Cuba › Granma
Central Ciudad Caracas, from Lajas, becomes the largest producer in the country › Cuba › Granma

In the midst of very difficult conditions, the Ciudad Caracas plant, in Lajas, in the province of Cienfuegos, becomes the largest producer in the country by fulfilling its sugar production plan, and the third to complete the commitment at the national level.

The mill produced around 16,300 tons

Nelson Méndez Martínez, general director of Empresa Agroindustrial Azucarera (EAA), specified that the production goal is reached after processing some 280,000 tons of cane in the factory’s mills, including their own and others from the EAA 5 fields. September and Efraín Alfonso, the latter in the province of Villa Clara.

Ciudad Caracas guaranteed more than 11,000 tons of honey destined for the Alficsa Plus S fine alcohol distillery, located in the Antonio Sánchez derivatives hub.

It will also remain active to grind the grass that remains in the Efraín Alfonso EAA, as long as conditions allow, and thus provide a little more of the crude oil that the country needs, as Méndez Martínez testified.

In the current contest, the plant closes its technical-economic plan with just 7.20% industrial performance, an indicator depressed by low grinding, mainly due to the deficit in the supply of raw materials, affected by serious fuel limitations. However, it managed to supply itself with electricity.


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