Pain and shock in Villa La Angostura due to the death of the two brothers on Route 40

Pain and shock in Villa La Angostura due to the death of the two brothers on Route 40
Pain and shock in Villa La Angostura due to the death of the two brothers on Route 40

The brothers had suffered a great loss almost 10 years ago. In 2015, Alfredo Linares, his father, had died in Neuquén from burns suffered during a fire in his house in Villa La Angostura. Although her mother had also been hospitalized, she recovered from the injuries from the fire to accompany her children, affected by the death of her father.

Both Lisandro and Ezequiel were active members of the Angosturan community. For this reason, expressions of pain multiplied to accompany family and friends of the two brothers, who had caused an impact on everyone close to them.

According to the local portal Diario Andino, the band in which Lisandro participated and the soccer team in which he played paid tribute to them through social networks.

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One of the brothers who died in the Route 40 crash.

“We are never prepared to say goodbye to such important people in our lives. Today we have to say goodbye to our guide. Thank you for so much dedication, commitment and predisposition. Always present in our hearts. Remembering them (both brothers) with warmth and example of people they were,” the band Los Elegidos del Sur published on their official Instagram account.

“From somewhere in heaven they will accompany us everywhere. In our hearts forever!” indicated the message, which said goodbye to both Lisandro, a member of the band, as well as his brother Ezequiel and the two children.

Local football, in mourning

Lisandro was also a renowned soccer player in the region. For this reason, numerous sports clubs used their media to say goodbye to the footballer and accompany his family in a painful moment.

“With enormous sadness we say goodbye to the remains of Lisandro, Ezequiel, Martina and Tahiel. Explanations are not enough in the face of so much pain. RIP,” they wrote from Deportivo Angostura, where Lisandro played.

“Today the league and the entire Football Family are in mourning with the loss of our neighbors, friends and family. All the activities we had for today are suspended and we accompany the Linares Family in their pain. RIP,” they wrote from the Football League. Quetrihué Soccer.

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From the Estrella del Sur club in Bariloche, where Lisandro also played as a player, they wrote a heartfelt message to say goodbye to him. “This Sunday we received the worst news. This cannot be happening Lichita. You were more than a player, you were family. Life hit you so hard losing your father and two little brothers in a fire and today a car accident takes you away from us like this In 2013 you arrived at the Club, so young, with a lot of effort traveling from Villa to play for Estrella. Such a strong person, with such a noble heart. You had recently hung up your boots due to injuries and you dedicated yourself to music, but you always continued. Being part of us, LPM, how difficult this is! You go with your brother Exequiel, your nephew Tahiel and your little daughter Martina to reunite with your dad and your little brothers. Those of us who knew you can’t believe this is happening. “, they published.

From Boca Unidos Bariloche they also said goodbye to Lisandro and little Martina. “We regret the death of the Estrella del Sur player Lisandro Linares and the members of his family. From the Board of Directors we send our condolences to the families and friends and a big hug. We accompany the Linares, Legarreta and Villarroel families in the face of this irreparable loss, God give comfort to the families, we embrace them with our hearts,” they said.

“With great regret we regret the death of Little Martina, sister of our player Ramiro Riquelme and granddaughter of our beloved Monica Villaroel. Likewise the death of Licha Linares, who was part of our squad. We embrace the families here with our souls. We are here to accompany you on this difficult path,” they indicated.

As told to LMNeuquén the head of the Villa La Angostura Volunteer Fire Department, Raúl Tierno, the fatal crash occurred at approximately 7 p.m. and a truck with a smaller vehicle was involved. “We are working at the scene, there are four deaths,” Tierno confirmed.

“The four deceased were in the minor vehicle, there are two adults and two minors. The identities are unknown because it has not been possible to obtain any documentation,” said the firefighter.

Since the truck was stuck on the road, they opened a hand on the shoulder to clear the traffic. Lines had formed about 3 kilometers on each side.

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Courtesy Bariloche 2000

The lack of signal in the area makes it difficult to obtain information about the details of the road accident. The Fiat Strada truck was crushed in its front by the impact of the crash on the cabin, which would have led to the death of its occupants.

Tierno said that “The truck driver hasn’t commented anything yet because he’s shocked.. We still do not know what the dynamics of the accident were like, that will be determined by the experts from the city of Neuquén.”

The weather factor would have had an influence at the time of the crash. He explained that there was snow on the route already about 30 kilometers from Villa La Angostura, in the direction of the intersection with Route 237. “There could be some relationship with this incident,” the firefighter added to L M N.

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