“With hatred and hunger there is no freedom”: women take to the streets in the first Ni Una Menos of the Milei government

“With hatred and hunger there is no freedom”: women take to the streets in the first Ni Una Menos of the Milei government
“With hatred and hunger there is no freedom”: women take to the streets in the first Ni Una Menos of the Milei government

This Monday, like every June 3 since 2015, the mobilization of the Not one less. It will be the first during the presidency of Javier Mileia government that throughout the first months openly attacked the feminist movement and defunded public policies aimed at reducing gender inequalities.

This year the center of the call is to demand justice for the Barracas triple lesbicidedenounce economic violence and reject the Bases law and the DNU, in addition to layoffs in the State. “We repudiate the Government that makes cruelty a State policy and openly promotes hate speech,” the organization indicated.

Nine years after the first mobilization, called after the femicide of Chiara Páez, the 14-year-old teenager murdered by her boyfriend in Rufino, extreme violence against women and diversities remains at the center of the agenda. This month three lesbians were murdered in a hotel in Barracas for their gender identity and one remains hospitalized. That will be one of the main demands of the mobilization to Congress this Monday starting at 4:30 p.m.

“Mobilization in this economic and political context is also the opportunity to vindicate, resignify and rethink some flags of transfeminism such as: ‘they will not have the comfort of our silence’ or ‘we will never return to the closet again,’” he told elDiarioAR María Laura Olivier, General Secretary of the Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) and member of the group “Lesbians self-convoked for the Barracas Massacre.”

The lesbicides of Pamela Fabiana Cobbas, Roxana Figueroa and Andrea Amarante for which Justo Barrientos, a 67-year-old resident of the hotel, is detained, will be one of the main flags to denounce a growing climate of hate speech. This week, the singer Lali Esposito He made reference to the Barracas massacre during the Gardel Awards ceremony. “It is true that the word lesbicide is not in the RAE, but it is on the street and in the real lives of many people,” reflected the singer and anticipated the 3J demand.

Around 6 p.m., the document in which different topics were agreed upon during the open assemblies that took place the previous weeks will be read. Luci Cavallero, one of the NUM representatives, said that the central issue is to denounce that “With hatred and hunger there is no freedom”. “We are against the DNU because it impoverishes us and because it frees up the main prices of the economy and is making daily life impossible for us. We are against the approval of the Basic Law that takes away our right to retire; nine out of ten women would not be able to retire. At the same time it transforms us into a colony for transnational corporations. “We denounce hunger as a policy of discipline towards social organizations and towards the women who have been supporting the soup kitchens.”Cavallero stated to this newspaper.

At the assemblies they presentedto economic gender violence implied by the measures of the Milei government. “The fact of not having a job and not having the possibility of bringing even a plate of food or a kilo of bread to share with your children generates a lot of anger and violence grows much more in the family,” he told elDiarioAR. Deputy Secretary of the Union of Popular Economy Workers (UTEP), Norma Morales. In addition, she warned about the situation of community workers: “We are the ones who continue to guarantee care tasks in the popular neighborhoods, the ones who continue to care for and feed our community and they froze our salaries. This month they paid us half, We are only charging $78,000the level of violence we have been suffering is unworthy. It is a crime what they are doing with our colleagues“They continue working because they love their community.”

In addition, social organizations warned about the growth of drug groups in the neighborhoods. “The lack of work triggers our youth to grab dirty money, we live with drug traffickers in popular neighborhoods. They are always there and in moments of crisis they take advantage of the situation to derail our youth,” added Morales, who is also the National Coordinator of Barrios de Pie.

So far this year, 101 people have been murdered due to gender violence. According to the latest report from the “Adriana Marisel Zambrano” Femicide Observatory in Argentina, which runs La Casa del Encuentro, between January 1 and April 30 of this year there were 92 femicides and linked femicides of women and girls, 1 trans-transvesticide and 8 linked femicides of adult men and children. In the first four months, 106 boys and girls were left without their mother. In this framework of structural violence, the national government eliminated most public policies aimed at reducing the numbers.

A report of Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA) indicates that there is a 33% budget cut for these policies and that there is a paralysis of all prevention and assistance programs: drop of 80% in the interannual execution of the budget of the Acompañar Program (for victims of violence) and of 25.52% of the budget of Line 144. The member of the ELA Policy area Agustina Rossi explained that these cuts have a greater impact on the most impoverished women. “The Acompañar program provided economic support equivalent to a minimum wage for six months and most affected women who depended most heavily on being able to receive this help to leave the violent home,” she told elDiarioAR.

This distancing from the State influences women and diversities in situations of violence to stop seeking help and return to the aggressor. “The monitoring detected that when women cannot receive this type of economic and psychosocial support they end up deciding not to report, they leave the help spaces and return to the violent person. So we are already seeing a very strong setback in those women who had begun to seek help and who, seeing that there is no program that supports them to effectively break the cycle of violence, find themselves in the need to have to return. with the violent one,” Rossi added.


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