A man from San Juan was convicted of stealing a Boca shirt

A man from San Juan was convicted of stealing a Boca shirt
A man from San Juan was convicted of stealing a Boca shirt

The passion for the The Bostero fan was arrested in Plaza 25 de Mayo, and has now been sentenced by Justice.

According to judicial sources, the incident occurred last Saturday night in a sports clothing store located in the middle of Rivadavia pedestrian area. There, the criminal identified as Rogelio Rodríguez, broke the alarm device of an original Adidas brand Boca Juniors shirt, and hid the censor under a shelf.

Immediately afterwards and without even having removed the hanger that held it, Rodríguez left the premises with the shirt and without having paid for it. This action was observed by a local employee, who went out to chase the criminal and yelled at him to return that clothing, to which the thief reacted by abandoning his precious loot and fleeing towards the west of the pedestrian street.

Police personnel who were in the area noticed the situation and managed to arrest the criminal Xeneize inside the Plaza 25 de Mayo. When the assistant prosecutor was present, the owner of the business showed him the recordings of the security cameras, which left no doubt about Rodríguez’s actions, and about the application of Flagrancy in the face of this fact.

For this reason, the thief was housed in a cell at the 3rd Police Station until Monday morning, when he attended the presentation hearing for the crime of attempted robbery. Finally, through an abbreviated trial, the Justice decided to sentence him to a month’s conditional prison sentence.


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